Terms of Use
Terms & Conditions for Account Opening
QNB bebasata: refers hereinafter to QNB Bank and/or the electronic banking channel provided by the bank including the services provided, as the case may be. |
It is understood that the client shall be able, through the system, to review the statement of accounts through the internet at any time. Accordingly, the statement of accounts in paper form shall not be delivered to the specified address by the client except upon request. |
The address specified by the client in this application is considered his legal domicile in connection with the contract. |
It is agreed to link the debit card that has been issued on the client’s request with the client’s current account to enable the client’s use of the card to perform operations on this account’s balance. |
General Terms and Conditions for opening QNB bebasata accounts |
The signature specimen provided by the client to QNB bebasata shall be the basis for operating the account and shall remain valid unless another specimen is communicated in writing or renewed. QNB bebasata shall be informed immediately in writing in case of change of those authorized to sign for the account, and the specimen must be renewed every three years at least, otherwise QNB bebasata shall not be responsible if it relies on a specimen signature not renewed in time. |
All accounts opened in the clients’ name at QNB bebasata are considered an indivisible unit in guarantee for and security against, the settlement of QNB bebasata claims. Accordingly, QNB bebasata has the right to perform currency exchange operations from one currency to another to meet any dues in favor of QNB bebasata |
It is agreed that in case the account balance, subject of this application, results in a debit balance for any reason whatsoever, the debit interest rate applicable by QNB bebasata on the corresponding day shall be applied until full settlement. |
QNB bebasata has the right to debit any charges related to keeping the account, it also has the right without reverting to the client to automatically debit any amounts previously credited to the account by mistake. |
The bank has the right to debit the client’s account with postage expenses and fiscal stamp due on the account, or any other expenses related to the keeping of the account or any other services provided by the bank without the need for further approval or notification to the client. |
QNB bebasata reserves the right to close the account at any time without stating a reason. In such case, the client must withdraw the outstanding balance at QNB bebasata within the period stated in the notice delivered by QNB bebasata in such respect to the client’s e-mail that is authorized by the client and contained herein. If the client does not withdraw the balance within the given period, QNB bebasata may deposit the balance of the account with the Court or send the balance to the client via a Banker's check. The client, upon closing his account, must return all means of payment such as ATM cards and credit cards. The bank has the right to break any depository product, of whatever kind, on the date specified in the notice for account closure and add its value to the balance which shall be written in the check’s amount. |
QNB bebasata has the right to request the client to submit any documents seen necessary, at its discretion, for account opening and continuation of the account. It is agreed that failure to provide QNB bebasata the required document within the deadline specified by QNB bebasata, shall give the right to QNB bebasata to close the account without the need for justification, notification or other procedure. It is understood that QNB bebasata has the right to suspend the account temporarily within this period until the documents requested by QNB bebasata are submitted. |
QNB bebasata has the right to modify all commissions, charges, interests and other adjuncts related to the client’s account in accordance with the tariff announced by QNB bebasata |
The client declares that his electronic signature – in case of receipt of cards and their PINs – constitutes a decisive proof. |
The approval or rejection of the Account Opening Application is at QNB bebasata sole discretion. QNB bebasata reserves the right to reject the account opening without assigning reasons. We also lose our right of recourse to claim any demand, concerning the above, based upon the terms of liabilities for whatever reason or nature. Therefore, the client declares henceforth to exempt QNB bebasata from any contractual responsibility or delinquency that may arise in this regard. |
Based upon the above, it is understood by the client that the approval of this account opening application shall remain pending until QNB bebasata investigates this request and decides whether to approve it or not at its sole discretion. |
It is understood that the eligibility to interest payment is subject to the conditions and the type of the requested account from the client’s side. |
It is understood that QNB bebasata decision, whether acceptance or rejection in the afore-mentioned application shall be given within two working days from the date of request. |
The client authorizes QNB bebasata, in case of its acceptance for opening the account, to inform the client of his/her account no. and all information related to this respect. This shall be done through an SMS message delivered to the client’s mobile no. without any responsibility on QNB bebasata. |
The client also declares that the amount deposited by the client for opening his account at QNB bebasata shall be governed by the terms and conditions stated herein. |
It is agreed that the client is prohibited to use this account in any of his commercial transactions or those of his companies. The violation of this clause shall entitle QNB bebasata the right to close this account without the need for a warning, notification or any judicial process of any kind. |
This Agreement will
remain in effect until it is terminated by the client or by QNB
bebasata. The client may cancel the service and terminate this Agreement
at any time by providing at least a 10-days written notice prior the
specified termination
date through the client’s e-mail that is registered at
QNB bebasata or by calling QNB bebasata client service on “16607” within
the same deadline. The afore-mentioned termination shall only apply if
the notice / call
includes the closure of all accounts at QNB bebasata. |
Fatca Terms and Conditions |
FATCA Definition: US (natural or legal) persons: Refers to any of the following: US government; a citizen or resident of the US; a domestic partnership; a domestic corporation; any estate (with certain exceptions); any trust if (i) a court within the US is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and (ii) one or more US (natural or legal) persons have the authority to control all, US Tax Payer. |
FATCA Declaration: The client shall disclose all information to satisfy FATCA requirements. QNB bebasata reserves the right to request for additional documentary evidence and waivers, signed undertaking, (W-8 BEN or W-9), if required to support the client's US status or FATCA classification. |
In case the client satisfies the definition of US (natural or legal) persons as per FATCA regulations, the client authorizes QNB bebasata to disclose their personal information with respect to all banking accounts (existing or new) maintained with QNB bebasata to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in the United States of America (or its representatives or agents) and to any other relevant regulatory authority without any responsibility or liability on QNB bebasata part. |
New individual accounts will be reportable to IRS or other relevant regulatory authority if any of the US indicia’s are found, unless QNB bebasata obtains or currently maintains records supporting the client's non-US status. |
In case of change in circumstances by having one or more US indicia and become US Tax Payer (such that the client becomes a US Citizen, obtains a US Passport or US telephone number or US residence address, etc.), the client shall promptly furnish the Bank with the necessary details and documentation in this regard. |
The client shall hold QNB bebasata harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages and losses in the event of non-fulfillment of the above undertaking. |
The client hereby understands and acknowledges that the Bank is bound by certain global conditions, restrictions and legal declaration for providing services to the citizens/residents of the United States of America and that the citizenship/residency status can affect the nature and extent of the services that can be derived from the Bank. |
Procedures required to submit a complaint: |
The client has the right to submit a complaint to QNB bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details: |
First: The client is entitled to submit his complaint in several ways as follows: |
Customer Solution Center Hotline No. 16607 Email: Customer.experience@bebasata.qnb.com.eg Website www.bebasata.qnb.com.eg Mobile Banking Services Internet Banking Services |
Second: QNB bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint. |
Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB bebasata reply. |
Fourth: If the client objects to QNB bebasata reply, QNB bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection. |
Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint. |
Terms and Conditions of E-Mail Notification |
Pursuant to this contract, QNB bebasata shall provide its clients who have subscribed to “the service” with payment notifications and trade finance services which QNB bebasata has executed based upon their instructions; as well as those received by QNB bebasata regarding their QNB bebasata accounts. |
Through this service, QNB bebasata shall notify clients of a copy of payment notifications and trade finance services that are extracted from the system in relation to the following operations: |
Notification of remittances executed by QNB bebasata, upon the client’s request, to other bank clients; as well as the incoming remittances made by such other bank clients to the client’s account at QNB bebasata, whether such other banks were internal or external banks. |
Notifications issued by QNB bebasata in relation to the execution of the client’s instructions for issuing or amending counter Letters of Guarantee in favor of foreign banks. |
It is agreed that QNB bebasata responsibility in relation to the service subject of this contract is limited to the delivery of a copy of the payment notifications and trade finance services to the client’s e-mail whether those were incoming or outgoing transactions as determined by the client herein. The responsibility of QNB bebasata is limited to the delivery of the afore-mentioned notifications to the e-mail defined by the client. QNB bebasata shall not bear any responsibility in the event of failure of delivery of the notifications to the client’s e-mail due to network failure or a reason out of QNB bebasata control. |
QNB bebasata undertakes to deliver by e-mail copies of payment notifications that comply with the copies of notifications maintained by QNB bebasata without prejudice to QNB bebasata right as to material misstatement contained in those notifications due to omissions or errors. |
It is understood that the banking service subject of this contract is available 24/7 except on official vacations. QNB bebasata shall inform the client once QNB bebasata issues or receives payment notifications, subject of the service, as the case may be. |
Given that the service subject of this contract shall be executed via communication networks and the internet, the client declares to exempt QNB bebasata from any responsibility, expenses or burden that may occur due to disconnection of the internet or communication networks or due to any malfunctions, breakdowns to the network which may hinder service availability or affect QNB bebasata obligations set out in this contract or delay their performance. |
It is agreed that all clauses and conditions for the service subject of this contract are governed by the related CBE rules and guidelines. Accordingly, CBE is entitled to amend or terminate any of those conditions of the service subject of this contract. CBE is also entitled to amend or cancel the services and operations that are provided through the service. |
QNB bebasata is entitled to assign to any third party, whether in A.R.E or abroad, the performance of all or part of its obligations to the client. In such case, QNB bebasata shall remain responsible towards the client for the performance of the operations subject of this agreement and according to its conditions. |
QNB bebasata has the right to amend any conditions for using the service subject of this contract, its procedures or notifications provided through the service. QNB bebasata also has the right to add any new services to the service or cancel any of them, as well as to amend the tariff and expenses of the service whether those due to QNB bebasata for providing the service or due for providing the operations in relation to the service. All these actions shall be made without the need for the client’s consent. Such amendments shall be affected immediately once the client is informed by a message delivered to his e-mail address that is recorded at QNB bebasata. Such amendments shall constitute an integral part of the conditions of this contract. The client declares that his use of the service after the occurrence of any amendments to its terms and conditions is deemed a declaration from the client’s part for approving any amendment in its terms and conditions after being notified thereof, and therefore constitutes a legal obligation for the client. |
QNB bebasata has the right to suspend the service for maintenance procedures and for any other necessary technical procedures for service continuation. In such cases, QNB bebasata shall notify the client of the service cut-off schedule and the expected time for its restoration. |
It is agreed that if the client requests to unsubscribe to the service, he shall not be entitled for the refund of any portion of the fees that have been paid in advance. |
The client shall take all the necessary precautions to protect the devices used in accessing his e-mail and notifications delivered by QNB bebasata in accordance with the contract. The client shall install anti-virus software and tools to protect him from malicious threats and hacking attempts. The client shall not use public or shared computers (such as Internet cafés, public libraries … etc.) to access his e-mail. The client shall also take all the necessary precautions and measures and shall exercise utmost care and caution to prevent any other party or person from knowing the client’s password or data that allow access to the client’s e-mail. |
The client declares that he has taken all the necessary protection and security measures that prevent manipulation or change of the contents of the client’s e-mail or the automatic notifications delivered to that e-mail. It is understood that QNB bebasata shall neither be liable for any damages arising from the use of authorized persons by the client nor for hacking the client’s e-mail by any other persons. The client declares to exempt QNB bebasata from all elements of responsibility arising from any of the afore mentioned. |
Upon the client’s subscription to the service, QNB bebasata is entitled to charge the client’s account held with QNB bebasata for the fees for using the service as well as the taxes and adjuncts in connection – including all expenses and commissions – without the need for prior notification, warning or alert and without the need for any further procedure. It is agreed that QNB bebasata shall automatically debit the afore mentioned. In case of insufficient balance on the debit day, the service subject of this contract shall be automatically terminated. |
bebasata has the right to terminate this service or to cancel
subscription to the service in case the client breaches any of the
service conditions or in cases where QNB bebasata discerns to take such
action, without the need for notification,
warning or any further legal action and without
prejudice to any other legal rights or rights set forth herein |
Terms and Conditions of QNB bebasata Saving Account |
This is a personal account available to individuals only, excluding enterprises, companies or other legal persons. |
For its opening and continuation, this account is restricted to a minimum opening balance according to the limits and interests announced by QNB bebasata – from time to time – across all its channels. |
Interest is calculated daily on the available client’s credit balance at the end of the day. If the balance falls below this limit at any time, no interest shall be calculated for the day on which the balance has fallen below the minimum limit according to the bank’s regulations from time to time and without prejudice to the other conditions for the calculation of interest. |
Interest is calculated on the balances of the savings accounts according to the value of the credit balance where the calculated interest varies depending on the credit balance according to the tiers announced by QNB bebasata – from time to time – through its various channels. |
Interest value on EGP saving accounts is specified on an annual basis & its calculation is based on 365 days per year. Interest is calculated on the daily closure balance which shall not fall below the minimum opening balance for the account. |
For EGP saving accounts, the interest is credited on a monthly basis. |
QNB bebasata has the right to amend credit interest rates, fees and charges at any time, as well as to change the terms and conditions relevant to this account. Every such amendment is announced on QNB bebasata website and will take effect immediately on the date of amendment specified in the announcement. |
No withdrawals are allowed from savings account by checks. |
It is totally forbidden to overdraft this account. In case the account was overdrawn for any reason, the client shall cover it or provide instructions to cover his overdrawn account within ……. days from overdraft, otherwise, QNB bebasata has the right to close the account. |
In the case of closing the account, the interest is paid for the total number of days in the month up to the date in which the account was closed. The interest shall be added to the current account. |
The client hereby finally and irrevocably authorizes QNB bebasata to apply set-off between the credit balances of the saving account and any debit balance of any loan or overdraft accounts of the same client without the need for notification or any other action. |
The terms of opening an account signed by the client are complementary to the terms and conditions of savings accounts and are not in conflict with the provisions of the mentioned saving accounts. |
QNB bebasata deems notifying the client of any actions, data or any
matters relating to the savings accounts, QNB bebasata shall then be
entitled to notify the client by an e-mail or by sending SMS message to
the client’s mobile or
through a phone call or by any means QNB bebasata deems
in this regard. |
Youth Conditions |
Pursuant to this, QNB bebasata provides a range of distinguished banking services to youth clients – who concluded 15 years old – and up to reaching adulthood (21 years old). These services aim to enable youth to use the funds at their disposal such as alimony, expenses and others. |
The afore-mentioned services shall be provided to youth in accordance with the same terms and conditions set forth in this contract. The below shall be excluded: |
The following services are NOT provided to youth: |
Outgoing remittances in foreign currency. |
Current Accounts in foreign currency |
Credit cards, whether issued against a guarantee or not, and loans. |
E-mail notification for SWIFT Remittances. |
The balance of Youth current accounts shall be subject to a maximum limit of EGP 100,000. Moreover, youth transaction using debit cards shall also be subject to the maximum limits set by the bank. It is understood that these limits may be amended by notification delivered from the bank to the client through any means stated in this contract. |
QNB bebasata may provide to its youth clients some special services in light of their interests and activities. |
It is agreed that in the case client the client receives an incoming transfer in foreign currency, QNB bebasata shall exchange the amount to EGP in accordance with the foreign currency exchange rates announced at QNB bebasata and shall credit the value to the client’s account provided that the balance of the account shall not exceed the stipulated maximum limit for the youth account. |
Once any youth client has reached adulthood, the maximum balance limit and youth requirements shall be waived. The youth limitations that were governing the services provided shall be cancelled once the client informs QNB bebasata that he has reached adulthood. |
It is agreed that this account shall be subject to a maximum limit set out in this contract. |
The used funds in any minor’s account during a month shall not exceed the maximum limit stipulated by QNB bebasata at any point in time throughout the duration of this account. |
If the balance exceeds the indicated maximum limit, QNB bebasata has the right to decline to enable the client to use it until QNB bebasata receives the documents that clarify the reason and purpose of deposit. Moreover, QNB bebasata reserves the right to request completion of any acknowledgements seen necessary, as well as to request any supporting documents to prove such acknowledgements. For example, if university fees or expenses in connection to or arising from studying at a university is credited to the account, the guardian (the guardian by nature or the legal guardian) or custodian - as the case may be - shall provide QNB bebasata with the reason and purpose of such credit, whereas the decision of acceptance or rejection of such shall be made by QNB bebasata at its sole discretion. |
It is agreed that the client shall not receive any credit payments into the account subject of this package from individuals or entities other than the guardian (the guardian by nature or the legal guardian) or custodian - as the case may be – since any of them is responsible for the maintenance of the client, subject of this account and whereby, the amounts transferred or credited shall not exceed the established maximum limit for the account. |
It is
understood that the client is not permitted to authorize others to act
on this account or to request issuance of cheque books against this
account. |
General Terms and Conditions for Facilities and Credit Cards |
Through the Online Banking Services, the client has the right to request QNB bebasata to issue credit cards or request credit facilities. Such cards and/or facilities may be either secured by pledge of depository products (Certificate of Deposits, Time Deposits and Investment Certificates) held with QNB bebasata or secured by other guarantees, or may be unsecured according to the bank’s discretion in this respect. |
QNB bebasata has the right to study the client’s request and examine its acceptance or rejection without the need for providing justification. |
It is also the right of QNB bebasata to request the client to provide certain documents or additional guarantees. |
Facilities and credit cards are governed by the below General Provisions, in addition to the detailed conditions that will be displayed through the service upon request. The detailed conditions form an integral part and are complementary to the conditions herein. The client’s signature herein is deemed a signature on the detailed conditions which the client will approve electronically upon requesting the facilities and/or credit cards. |
Interests, commissions and other charges in the detailed conditions that are displayed through the Online Banking Service shall apply to the facilities and/or cards. Amounts stated must be settled in addition to interests, commissions and charges on the specified dates in the detailed conditions.. |
The balance of the facility and/or card – at all times - must be less than the pledged depository product by a percentage defined in the detailed conditions. |
The full balance of the facility and/or card shall become immediately due and payable and will be subject to the agreed interests, commissions and charges without the need for any notification, warning or otherwise in cases where the debt becomes legally due or in case of the client’s death, disability or the client’s breach of any of the terms and conditions of the facility and/or card. |
It is agreed that QNB bebasata has the right – without an obligation for doing so – to issue an insurance policy in its favor to cover the risks of the client’s death, disability or otherwise. It is understood that the client’s disclosure of any false data to the insurance company shall result in the company’s rejection of any of the client’s insurance coverage claims. |
It is understood that the client will be listed in CBE Blacklist in case of default in payment of the bank’s dues. |
The client acknowledges that if upon the requirement of QNB bebasata to pledge a depository product – as a guarantee for the balance of facilities and/or cards – the client acknowledges to pledge it commercially and possessory in favor of the Bank through the Online Banking Service where such pledge includes the interests earned on the depository product. |
QNB bebasata has the right, at any time even prior the maturity date of the depository product held in-guarantee, to redeem its full value for the settlement of the facility and/or card’s balance or any part thereof without the need for warning or notifying the client in advance or taking any legal procedure. The client acknowledges to exempt QNB bebasata from all types of liabilities and claims that may arise from the early redemption of the depository products and the settlement of the debit accounts. |
The client declares to authorize QNB bebasata to renew the pledged depository products subject to the applicable conditions at the time of renewal and to renew their pledge durations so that the pledge remains valid and effective until full repayment. |
Terms & Conditions of Internet Banking Services |
Pursuant to this application, the undersigned client subscribes to Online Banking Services provided through QNB bebasata. This application is hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”. Accordingly, the client is entitled to use the Internet Banking Services (“The Services”) set out in this contract and access the service provided by QNB bebasata either from web-based or application-based devices (mobile devices/smartphones/any similar device) using the same user name and password. |
This Agreement applies to all those who use the client's account whether the client himself/herself or any other person authorized by the client whereas, the client will be responsible for all such use. |
It is agreed that if the client uses QNB bebasata internet banking services whether on his own or permits another person to use these services on his behalf, it shall be deemed that the client delegated such person, under the client’s full responsibility, for such use. |
Scope of Agreement |
This Agreement governs online access to the client’s accounts with QNB bebasata via the Internet Banking Services. The terms and conditions set forth herein in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in any contractual relationship or agreement announced by QNB bebasata – which do not cancel or supersede any other agreements or signature cards governing the client’s accounts, deposits, loans or other business relationships, as well as all of the terms, conditions, agreements, representations, schedules, disclosures, and fees set forth in or associated with such other agreements and signature cards – shall altogether remain in full force and effect except for the terms and conditions applicable to the services subject of this agreement. Accordingly, the person(s) the client authorizes to have access to and make transfers from the client’s account(s) through QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services may not be the same person(s) who are authorized to sign on the account(s) under other agreements. |
Through these services, the client shall be able to provide them larger authorities to handle a wider scope of internet banking activities than those provided under other agreements. All such actions shall be under the client’s responsibility and without any on QNB bebasata. |
It is agreed that any person using this service through your registered account, Safety and Access Codes shall be considered authorized by the client in this regard, without any liability on QNB bebasata to investigate such action. |
QNB bebasata shall debit the charges of these services directly and automatically from the client's account, including all expenses, commissions, and any other associated charges without notice or prior advice to the client and without any other procedure. The charges shall be automatically debited. If the account balance, on the debit date, was not sufficient, the service will be terminated automatically. In case of the customer’s cancellation of the subscription to these services, QNB bebasata shall not refund the due monthly fees to the date of cancelation. |
QNB bebasata has the right to suspend the delivery of these services to the client or terminate the client's subscription to the system in case of any violation by the client to any of these terms and conditions, or where QNB bebasata deems it necessary to take such procedure, without any need for note or notice or any other legal procedure, and without prejudice to any other rights whatsoever QNB bebasata may have against the client. |
It is understood that the termination of the Services does not affect any consequences or outcomes of using this service up till the date of termination as previously outlined. |
Descriptions and limits of QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services |
General Description of QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services |
In general, the QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services package enables the client to: - Check the accounts and credit card balances, movements and statement. - Check loans, term deposits and deposit summary. - Purchase time deposits and certificate of deposits. - Execute and request to transfer funds between the client’s accounts. - Transfer funds for other beneficiaries. - Apply for the issuance, amendment and cancellation of credit and debit cards. - Amend and update personal contact details - Apply for personal loans |
This list is not exhaustive but presents the basic examples in light of the current applicable conditions. QNB bebasata may proceed to change the list from time to time. QNB bebasata terms and conditions in force shall be applicable to the services and govern any transaction at the allocated time. |
It is agreed that the client’s subscription to any service through QNB bebasata or his execution of any banking transaction included in the above-mentioned package or other transactions is deemed an acknowledgement by the client of the stipulated conditions by QNB bebasata related to that transaction and an acceptance thereof. |
Types and Limits of Transfers |
The services enable the client to make an internal transfer of funds from one account to another held with QNB bebasata, such as a transfer from a savings account to a current account. The services also enable the client to create beneficiaries and transfer funds to them from any of the client’s accounts held with QNB bebasata under the client’s full responsibility. Transfers to third parties need a second factor of authentication through entering One Time password. Transfers may be limited in a specific amount in accordance with QNB bebasata policies. Additionally, QNB bebasata reserves the right to further limit the frequency and amount of transactions from the client’s accounts for security, credit, or security reasons, as QNB bebasata may determine at any time at its sole discretion. |
Payment Orders |
It is agreed that the client is responsible to ensure that he has enough money or credit available in his account to execute requested payment or transfer instructions. The client is fully obligated to provide sufficient funds for any payments or transfers he makes or authorizes to be made. If QNB bebasata completes a payment or transfer that the client makes or authorizes and QNB bebasata subsequently learns that the client has insufficient funds for the transaction, the client hereby agrees to reimburse QNB bebasata upon demand, and the later has the right to reverse the transaction or offset the shortage with funds from any other deposit account(s) that the client holds with QNB bebasata without being bound to the conditions of any other relevant Account Agreements. |
Computer/Devices Requirements |
In order to use QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services, the client must have an Internet Service Provider and the necessary computer/mobile devices/smartphones/any similar device required by the browser, which the client selects. In this Agreement, any computer/mobile devices/smartphones/any similar device and the related equipment are referred to together as "Computer." The client is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the Computer and software. |
Registration Process |
The registration process starts upon the client’s announcement of his/her intention to enter into contract with QNB bebasata. In order to subscribe to QNB bebasata Internet Banking Service, the client shall fill-in his/her data either through the mobile application or QNB bebasata website. |
Consequently, the client shall receive a telephone call from QNB bebasata to schedule a visit to finalize the contract. |
During QNB bebasata representative’s visit to the client, the contracting procedures and account opening are finalized. |
Afterwards, the client shall receive from QNB bebasata a message delivered to the his/her e-mail, that is recorded at the bank, containing the temporary username and password. |
Once the client provides the temporary username and password through the mobile application, the client will receive an SMS on his/her mobile containing a verification code which is considered a One Time Password (OTP). |
The client shall enter his/her OTP through the application to enable him/her to change the temporary username and password. |
The username and password created by the client are considered the safe and agreed means between QNB bebasata and its clients to access the Internet Banking service. Accordingly, the client must maintain their confidentiality and must not disclose them to any other party to avoid unauthorized login to his accounts. |
The client is responsible for all the transactions made through the Internet Banking service, even if made by error. The client is also fully responsible for all its arising consequences including loss, fees or penalties. |
Any person to whom the client discloses his user name and password shall be deemed delegated or authorized by the client to use the service and shall have the full authority to access the client’s Internet Banking account, all available services provided through it and shall use the client’s accounts. The client shall be responsible of all implemented transactions and all its arising consequences including loss, fees or penalties. |
Liability of Parties |
Privacy and Confidentiality |
The importance of maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the information provided by our client is one of our highest priorities. The client should carefully review QNB bebasata privacy policy as stated on the web site www.bebasata.qnb.com.eg |
The privacy policy is incorporated in this Agreement by reference and the client hereby agrees that he/she has read, understood and agrees to the terms of QNB bebasata privacy policy. |
Access |
QNB bebasata will not be liable under this Agreement for failure to provide access or for interruptions in access to QNB bebasata internet banking Services due to a system failure or due to other unforeseen circumstances beyond QNB bebasata control. |
The client’s Computer Equipment & Software |
QNB bebasata will not be responsible for any errors or failures from any malfunction of the client’s computer or a computer virus or other problems relating to the client’s computer equipment used with the Services. QNB bebasata is also not responsible for any error, hacking, damages or other loss the client may suffer due to malfunction or misapplication of any system the client uses, including the client’s browser (Microsoft Explorer®, or otherwise), Internet service provider, or any equipment the client may use (including telecommunications facilities, Computer hardware and modem) to access the Services. |
Warranty & Software Limitations |
Neither QNB bebasata nor any software suppliers nor any information providers make any warranty, express or implied, to the client concerning the software, equipment, browser or other services including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose or non-infringement of third-party rights. |
Neither QNB bebasata nor any software supplier nor information provider represents and warrants that the software QNB bebasata supplies to the client is free from any defects, computer virus or other software-related problems. |
General Limitation on Liability |
In no event shall QNB bebasata be liable for special, or indirect, or punitive, or incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind including lost profits whether or not QNB bebasata has advised the client of the possibility of such loss or damage arising or related to the client’s use of QNB bebasata Internet Banking Service. |
Customer Liabilities |
The client shall read all warning and notifications (e.g. security and fraud notifications, Social engineering … etc.) and shall exercise caution in executing all the instructions contained in such notifications. |
The client declares that QNB bebasata has fully acknowledged the client of all security precautions that must be taken by the client for avoiding or limiting the risks of this service. |
The client is responsible for keeping his username, Passwords, and account data confidential. QNB bebasata is entitled to act based on the transaction instructions received using the client’s Username, Password and the client agrees that the use of his Username, Password will have the same effect as his signature in authorizing transactions, authenticating his identity, and shall bear conclusive evidence and verify the instructions provided to QNB bebasata. |
Things for which QNB bebasata will not be responsible and further limitations on its liability. |
QNB bebasata Liabilities |
According to the internal regulations, legal controls or instructions issued by supervisory bodies, QNB bebasata shall be liable to implement the restrictions related to exact transfers and instructions as entered and sent the client. |
However, QNB bebasata will not be responsible for the completion of the transfer request in the following cases: |
If there are insufficient funds in the client’s account, or if the account is closed or suspended. |
If the amount of transaction may exceed the allowable limit set out by internal controls in QNB bebasata or regulations issued by the Central Bank of Egypt in this regard. |
If the client has not properly followed QNB bebasata instructions for transfers and the entry of relevant safety codes for the implementation of transactions. |
If the client has not provided full and correct details of beneficiaries during the creation of beneficiaries’ process using your Internet Banking Services account. |
If the client has been prohibited to use any of his accounts, such as cases involving precautionary attachment, executive seizure or other legal actions. |
If the client or the beneficiary created by the client is included in any Blacklist. |
If force majeure incidents occur that may prevent QNB bebasata from executing the transfer or payment transactions – despite reasonable precautions that had been taken by QNB bebasata. |
Miscellaneous |
Periodic Statements |
Your payments and transfers via QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services will be indicated on periodic statements we provide or make accessible by e-mail or are downloadable through the Internet Banking Service. It is agreed that the client shall notify QNB bebasata promptly if he changes his address, mobile number or if he believes there are errors or unauthorized transactions in any statement, or statement information. |
Business Days and Hours of Operation |
Transfers made to beneficiaries through QNB bebasata Internet Banking Services before 1:00 P.M (on a business day) are normally debited from the client’s account on the same day if the transfer is in EGP currency. All transfers made after 1:00 P.M (on a business day) or on Fridays, Saturdays or on a bank vacation day are normally debited from the client’s account on the following business day noting that the working week of QNB bebasata is from Sunday through Thursday. |
Severability |
Should any part of this Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. |
Investigation Permit |
The client hereby authorizes QNB bebasata to investigate and acquire all needed information about the client at: |
A. All Banks operating in Egypt including the Central Bank of Egypt (according to the banking law no.194 for the year 2020). |
B. All Governmental entities, Ministries, Public and Private Corporations, etc. |
This permit includes an authorization for internal investigation (from QNB bebasata) as well as an external investigation (from third parties). |
This authorization shall apply and is valid against the client’s general and particular successors in title and applies in accordance with the rules regulating the confidentiality of the bank accounts' regulations under any law, at the present time or in the future and even amended. |
QNB bebasata shall have the right to present our data or documents - in case any legal action, whether civil or criminal, is taken for the preservation of QNB bebasata rights - to governmental entities or private sector or jurisdiction authority or our work entity. |
Approval of Form
to the client’s signature on this Application, the client hereby
declares that s/he has been duly informed of all the terms and
conditions of this Application. The client also declares to have
received an Annex which constitutes
an integral part of this Application. The Annex
booklet contains a complete description of all the electronic banking
services provided by the bank including but not limited to direct debit
cards, e-payment service and internet banking
The client’s use of each and all electronic services available through the internet is deemed a declaration of the client’s acknowledgment of and consent to the terms and conditions of those services as outlined in the Annex. |
Signed in: ____________________________________________________ Date: | |||||||
Signature: ___________________________________________________ |
Conditions of Certificates of Deposit
- The terms for issuing, processing and breaking of CDs through the e-banking channel (QNB Bebasata) which is one of the services provided by QNB Bank.
- The fixed CD’s minimum issuance amount for retail customers is EGP 1000.
- Interest is calculated from the day next to the date of issuance, and interest rate frequency cannot be changed during CD life.
- The CD’s interest rate, defined in this application, shall be calculated on the basis of 365 days for a normal year or 366 days for a leap year. The customer acknowledges his awareness and consent of the CD’s interest rate prior its issuance.
- Certificate/ certificates shall be issued by deducting from the earlier opened current account at QNB Bebasata under the customer’s name, as well as adding the interest to it, unless the customer specified another account.
- There is no maximum amount a customer can purchase for CDs.
- Customers are entitled to break a CD after 6 months of the issuance date, where penalties would be applied according to the below breaking schedule:
CD’s Breaking Schedule
Type | Duration | 06-12 (Months) | 13-24 (Months) | 25-36 (Months) |
Bebasata | 3 Years | 11.50 % | 10.50 % | 9.50 % |
Bebasata Exclusive | 3 Years | 12.00% | 11.00% | 10.00% |
Bebasata Fisrt Plus | 3 Years | 12.50 % | 11.50 % | 10.50 % |
Bebasata Ultra | 3 Years | 12.75 % | 11.75 % | 10.75 % |
- The CD is fully refunded at the date of maturity & can be renewed by another period according to the customer’s request and the prevailing bank’s conditions on the maturity date.
- Without prejudice to the afore-mentioned six-months period, it is agreed that the customer has the right to break the CD partially on the condition that the amount broken is not less than the minimum breaking amount determined by the bank for each CD or the multiples of that amount. The client hereby declares to have thoroughly read the breaking limits available for the CDs subject of this contract.
- It is also agreed that in case of partial CD breaking, the remaining balance after breaking must not be less than the CD’s minimum issuance amount. To further clarify, the client does not have the right to request the bank to partially break any CD if the breaking will reduce the remaining balance of the CD beyond the CD’s minimum issuance amount.
- The client declares that submitting an application for issuing or breaking any CD indicates that he read and consents to the CD’s general and specific terms and conditions, as well as those of the breaking schedule. In case the client wishes to apply any amendments to the Certificate of Deposit, he undertakes to notify the Bank two working days before the maturity date. The client shall bear all related costs and penalties resulting from failure to communicate those instructions to the bank after this period.
- In case the CD is pledged/reserved against a loan or credit facility granted to the customer or other party, the pledge continues even after CD maturity date regardless of the instructions given above until full repayment of the loan / credit facility.
- The client undertakes that the CD amount is obtained from legal sources and is fully owned by the client & not related to money laundry / other illegal sources, whether directly or indirectly.
- Certificate of Deposit requests are processed on the same day of the request.
- It is understood that in case a depository product is requested for an amount whose value date is not yet due, for any reason whatsoever, the client hereby declares to bear the applicable interest and commissions at the bank on such date, which is calculated on the value of the depository product as of the date of its issuance up to the date the amount is due in the client’s account.
- The client’s signature on this application is deemed an acknowledgment of QNB bebasata banking tariff which is announced on the website, particularly of the tariff related to this application. It is understood to the client that the tariff is subject to change from time to time by the bank. The client is entitled to review any changes or modifications made to the tariff on bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- The client hereby acknowledges to have read the terms and conditions of the CDs and TDs; whereby the client also acknowledges that those terms and conditions shall govern any CDs or TDs that the client purchases through QNB bebasata electronic banking
service without the need for a further approval apart from the earlier one in which the client acknowledges to have read, accepted them and agreed thereupon.
In case of total or partial CD breaking:
- For Fixed CDs, the first month of the concerned period, as shown in the breaking schedule, should be entirely completed; for instance, for the second period (13th- 24th month), in order to apply the breaking penalty rates that belongs to this period, the 13th month should be completed entirely. In other words, if the breaking request is on 29th of the 13th month, the breaking penalty rate of the first period will be applied. It is known that the interest calculation depends on the actual months that are already completed from the issuance date till the breaking request date.
- The interest rate applied on the amount requested for the breaking is determined according to the below condition for Fixed CDs (the applied CD’s interest rate minus the breaking penalty rate).
- The closure or modification of the account debited with the CD amount / credited with interest is not possible during the CD’s life.
- It is agreed that QNB is entitled to apply selective set-off between any of the client’s dues, in accordance with the conditions set forth herein, or the proceeds of the depository product’s breaking and the client’s account balance
at the bank without the need for notification, warning or any other procedure.
In case of borrowing against the Certificate of Deposit:
- In case the client is listed in the banks’ negative lists, he becomes ineligible to receive any credit facility against the CD.
- Since the bank will not grant the client any credit facility against CDs if he was found registered in the banks’ Negative lists, the client will be fully responsible for the consequences, which shall entail the impossibility of breaking the CD prior to 6 months of its issuance date.
- The CD can be used as collateral against borrowed funds from QNB according to the lending rules of the bank at the time of lending.
- Without prejudice to the right of QNB Bebasata in the continuance of the Certificate of Deposit till its maturity, in case of client’s death, the Certificate of Deposit remains active according to the terms & conditions mentioned in this application until its maturity date. This is as long as none of the heirs, regardless of his share, did not request to break the Certificate of Deposit before its maturity date. In the above-mentioned case – without prejudice to the previously mentioned right of QNB Bebasata – the remaining amount of the deposit in case of breakage will be held in trust accounts “without interest” at the bank till it is distributed among the rightful heirs.
Procedures required to submit a complaint:
The customer has the right to submit a complaint to QNB Bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details:
- First: The client is entitled to submit his complaint in several ways as follows:
- Contact Center Hotline No. 16607
- Email: customer.experience@bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- Website bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- Mobile Banking Services
- Internet Banking Services
- Second: QNB Bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint.
- Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB Bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB Bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB Bebasata reply.
- Fourth: If the customer objects to QNB Bebasata reply, QNB Bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection.
- Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB Bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint.
Terms & Conditions of Term Deposits
- The terms for issuing, processing and breaking of TDs through the e-banking channel (QNB Bebasata) which is one of the services provided by QNB Bank.
- TD’s shall be processed according to the interest rate announced by QNB Bebasata on the date of submitting the request to issue, re-issue or renew a TD.
- The interest shall be credited on the TD’s maturity date. Eligibility for crediting the interest and the application of the interest rate require that the TD remains active until its maturity date.
- In case of breaking the TD before its maturity date, no interest for the TD shall be calculated or credited to the account.
- Requests for the issuance, amendment, renewal or breaking of TDs shall be processed on the same day of submitting the request only if the application was submitted during working hours or on official business days and only if the client’s account balance is sufficient to allow processing the request. If the request was submitted after working hours or during vacations, the request shall be processed on the business day following the date of submitting the request.
- It is understood that in case a depository product is requested for an amount whose value date is not yet due, for any reason whatsoever, for example if the amount is deposited by the client, the client hereby declares to bear the applicable interest and commissions at the bank on such date, which is calculated on the value of the depository product as of the date of its issuance up to the date the amount is due in the client’s account.
- The interest rate of the depository product, defined in the relevant issuance application, shall be calculated on the basis of 365 days for a normal year or 366 days for a leap year. The customer acknowledges his awareness and consent of the TD’s interest rate prior its issuance.
- Charges and/or
commissions: The client’s signature on this application is deemed an
acknowledgment of QNB Bebasata banking tariff which is announced on the
website, particularly of the tariff related to this application. It is
understood to
the client that the tariff is subject to change from time to
time by the bank. The client is entitled to review any changes or
modifications made to the tariff on bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- No partial TD breaking is allowed for any type of TDs.
- It is understood that in case of TD breaking, no interest shall apply to the TD. The bank’s liability shall be only limited to refund the TD’s amount to the client’s account without any interest.
- Without prejudice to the right of QNB Bebasata in the continuance of the Time Deposit till its maturity, in case of client’s death, the TD remains active until its first maturity date following the bank’s acknowledgment of the client’s death in accordance with the conditions set forth herein. This is as long as none of the heirs, regardless of his share, did not request to break the Term Deposit before its first maturity date following the bank’s acknowledgment of the client’s death. In the above-mentioned two cases – without prejudice to the previously mentioned right of the bank – the amount of the TD will be held in trust accounts “without interest” at the bank till it is distributed among the rightful heirs.
- The client will be fully responsible for the outcomes and consequences arising from emergency or extraordinary circumstances or force majeure.
- Means of communication with the client: the client shall be contacted through any communication means recorded at the bank (e.g landline phone no., mobile no., e-mail).
- The client declares that submitting an application for issuing or breaking any TD indicates that he read and consents to the TD’s general and specific terms and conditions. In case the client wishes to apply any amendments to the Time Deposit or does not wish to renew the TD, he undertakes to notify the Bank two working days before the TD maturity date. The client shall bear all related costs and penalties resulting from failure to communicate those instructions to the bank after this period.
- The client understands that opening Time Deposits for retail clients at QNB Bebasata – either in Egyptian Pounds or in Foreign currencies – shall be subject to determined minimum amounts, where each time deposit shall not fall under its limit or its maturity date; in accordance with the applied terms and conditions by QNB Bebasata which are regularly announced on the website.
- The client undertakes that the TD amount is obtained from legal sources and is fully owned by the client & not related to money laundry / other illegal sources, whether directly or indirectly.
- It is agreed that QNB is entitled to apply selective set-off between any of the client’s dues, in accordance with the conditions set forth herein, or the proceeds of the depository product’s breaking and the client’s account balance at the bank without the need for notification, warning or any other procedure.
- The client hereby acknowledges to have
read the terms and conditions of the CDs and TDs; whereby the client
also acknowledges that those terms and conditions shall govern any CDs
or TDs that the client purchases through QNB Bebasata electronic banking
service without the need for a further approval apart from the
earlier one in which the client acknowledges to have read, accepted them
and agreed thereupon.
Procedures required to submit a complaint:
The customer has the right to submit a complaint to QNB Bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details:
- :
- “Customer Solution Center Hotline No. 16607
- Email: customer.experience@bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- Website bebasata.qnb.com.eg
- Mobile Banking Services
- Internet Banking Services
- Second: QNB Bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint.
- Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB Bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB Bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB Bebasata reply.
- Fourth: If the customer objects to QNB Bebasata reply, QNB Bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection.
- Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB Bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint.
Terms and Conditions of Credit Cards
Approval of Contract |
· The client declares that all data and information submitted by the client herein is correct and that he read and consents to the terms and conditions for the card issuance through the e-channel QNB Bebasata and requests to issue the card thereupon. |
· It is understood that this channel is one of the services provided by Qatar National Bank (QNB ) and it is also understood that any reference in this application to the e-channel QNB Bebasata shall be meant to refer to the afore-mentioned service, as well as refers to the bank which is authorized to provide such service. |
Investigation Permit |
· The client hereby authorizes QNB Bebasata to investigate and acquire all needed information about the client at: - All Banks operating in Egypt including the Central Bank of Egypt (according to the banking law no.194 for the year 2020) - All Governmental entities, Ministries, Public and Private Corporations, etc. |
· This permit includes an authorization for internal investigation (from QNB Bebasata) as well as an external investigation (from third parties). |
· This authorization shall apply and is valid against the client’s general and particular successors in title and applies in accordance with the rules regulating the confidentiality of the bank accounts' regulations under any law, at the present time or in the future and even amended. |
· QNB Bebasata shall have the right to present our data or documents -in case any legal action is taken - to governmental entities or private sector or jurisdiction authority or our employer. |
· If the client receives a line of credit from QNB Bebasata, the client hereby authorizes QNB Bebasata to notify the guarantors and warrantors – if any – about all the details of the facility /financing. Moreover, the client authorizes QNB Bebasata to provide to any of them a copy of the credit facility / financing contract and inform them about the status of the facility / financing at any time even after the end of its validity. |
· The client acknowledges that he read and electronically consents to the terms and conditions of the afore-mentioned service. It is understood that the client’s submittal of this application is deemed conclusive evidence for his acceptance and approval of all the conditions mentioned therein. |
Pledge Undertaking |
· Pursuant to this application, the applicant (pledgor) hereby declares that he read and electronically consents (as original debtor / joint guarantor with the afore-mentioned debtor) to the conditions of the credit facility contract herein, and declares that the pledge set forth herein shall remain valid until full repayment of the debt’s value secured by this pledge, its interests, expenses and the commissions payable to QNB Bebasata in full, and in such a way that this allocation and pledge remains valid and in force under your hands despite the maturity of the (Certificate(s)) and shall continue to serve as a guarantee and security until the full repayment of the afore-mentioned debt and its adjuncts. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to break and redeem the pledged collateral and apply selective set-off between any of its dues towards the above-mentioned debtor even before the date of maturity of the Certificate(s), whatever the reason was and without the need for notification or warning and without reverting to the pledgor at all, and despite any objection from the pledgor’s side. |
· QNB Bebasata is entitled to renew the pledged Certificates for its benefit, where the renewal shall take place automatically and in accordance with the applicable product tariffs published on QNB Bebasata on the renewal date without reverting to the pledgor or the need for a written consent from the pledgor. The pledgor finally and irrevocably authorizes QNB Bebasata to pledge any of the afore-mentioned for any periods, according to QNB Bebasata discretion, so that these depository products remain valid and automatically renewed until the repayment of the outstanding debit balance by the debtor. Moreover, QNB Bebasata is also entitled to renew the pledge in the event the cards limit, stated in this application, is renewed, extended or utilized for any further periods and until QNB Bebasata dues arising thereof are fully settled, and so on without the need to notify, excuse the pledgor or take any further legal action and without the pledgor’s right to raise any objections regarding any of the previous procedures. |
· The pledgor declares to exempt QNB Bebasata from all types and elements of liability that may arise from any of the actions taken or performed by QNB Bebasata as set out in this undertaking |
· This allocation and pledge is valid as of the date of the electronic approval to the terms and conditions herein. The pledgor shall have no right to cancel, change, restrict or amend it for any reason after it is approved. The pledgor also declares his commitment not to grant any rights for others on the value of these pledged Certificate(s) as they are allocated only to guarantee the indebtedness referred to in this document and any other indebtedness due to QNB Bebasata. |
Pledge Cancellation Undertaking: |
· The pledgor authorizes QNB Bebasata to un-pledge the security mentioned above for fulfilling the debtor’s liabilities towards QNB Bebasata. |
Terms & Conditions of Credit Cards |
Definitions: Terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows: |
· Primary Card: Card belonging to the client who signed this application. |
· Holder of Primary Card: Client who signed this application. |
· Card's account: The account opened by QNB Bebasata upon the acceptance of the client's application and issuance of the card. Any transactions in relation to issuing and using the primary card - or supplementary cards issued according to the holder of primary card - are to be debited from this account. |
· Transaction: Using the card in purchasing goods, acquiring services or cash withdrawal (according to the terms and conditions stipulated for the cards' issuance) from ATMs, Points of Sale (POS) or using the card either on the Internet or by telephone. |
· Credit Limits: Limits of a transaction defined by QNB Bebasata to be used by the Primary Card holder. The rate agreed upon shall apply as of the withdrawal date or the usage of any portion of the credit limit. |
· Period of Card Validity: Three years to be automatically extended upon expiry to another three years unless the cardholder informs QNB Bebasata of his/her wish not to renew the card. (The cardholder bears the renewal fees and is debited from the card's account). |
· Personal Identification Number (PIN): A confidential identification number known only to the cardholder and used for verification of his/her identity while purchasing and withdrawing money from ATMs. |
· Internet Identification Number (CVV2/CVC2): A number recorded on the card's back and is used by the cardholder for electronic verification of his/her identity when using the internet. |
· Merchant: The store, company, bank or enterprise which accepts the card for payment for goods and services the cardholder purchased or acquired. |
· Alert messages: Short messages (SMS) delivered to the cardholder's mobile or e-mail. |
· Sending the balance statement by e-mail: it is a service, in which the card's balance statement is sent on monthly basis to the cardholder's e-mail. |
General Provisions: |
· The Cardholder hereby declares that it is understood to him/her that all services related to the credit card lie within the responsibility of the service provider, not QNB Bebasata. Accordingly, the Cardholder declares to exempt QNB Bebasata from all elements and types of liabilities in relation to those services. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right at any time and at its sole discretion to assign, transfer or sell to any other party, either totally or partially, by whatever means any of its rights arising from this agreement or any other documents without the need for the primary cardholder's approval. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to record phone conversations with cardholders when they call QNB Bebasataor when QNB Bebasata representatives call them. |
· Upon reading and consenting electronically to the application for card issuance, the client gives QNB Bebasata the right to collect all the required data and information about themselves in order to facilitate QNB Bebasata progress on this application. Such information or data might either bear a financial nature or other or could be collected from local banks in Egypt or abroad. In case the application for issuing a credit card is rejected, the client can be handed his/her documents within 10 days after being notified by any means. After this duration has elapsed, QNB Bebasata is not liable to hand over such documents to them. |
· According to the client's and/or QNB Bebasata choice, this agreement incorporates QNB Bebasata acceptance to supply the client with banking services / credit cards through QNB Bebasata electronic banking services and alert messages. Therefore, the client agrees that his/her instructions given via electronic channels shall bear the same legal consequences as those given in writing. |
· The holder of the primary card admits that the sources of funds deposited or will be deposited in relation to this card - either made by the cardholder himself or through any other representative - are from his/her personal private wealth and are not originated, either directly or indirectly, through illegal or unlawful practices, activities or crimes. The cardholder must update the information and documents in relation to the card whenever necessary in accordance with Law No. 80/2002 for anti-money laundry in Egypt. |
· The cardholder is prohibited to use the card in illegal transactions or operations that do not comply with the general law of the country. QNB Bebasata has the right to find suitable means to avoid using the card in such kinds of transactions automatically - whenever possible - without producing a pre-alert to the cardholder. QNB Bebasata reserves the right to terminate the use of the card or cancel it wherever QNB Bebasata sees mal-use of the card by any means. |
· In case any dispute between the cardholder and QNB Bebasata arises to court, records, documents and data preserved on magnetic recordings are considered decisive evidence that bears incontrovertible proof. |
· The cardholder authorizes QNB Bebasata to disclose his/her information or data to any entity / authority QNB Bebasata sees necessary such as - but not limited to - other Banks, collection agents, courier companies, CBE, different arbitration and administration authorities, credit offices, bank's branches and its subsidiaries … etc. Disclosure is based absolutely on QNB Bebasata evaluation and according to banking norms. |
· The cardholder irrevocably agrees that QNB Bebasata can disclose any information or rulings about services the cardholder receives to third parties in the Arab Republic of Egypt (A.R.E) or abroad. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to amend all or part of the terms for issuing and using cards (including fees, commissions and tariffs) without the approval of the cardholder. QNB Bebasata shall notify the cardholder of any amendments in a way considered proper by QNB Bebasata. Any amendments on these terms and conditions shall be considered an integral part of the agreement and needs no written approval from the cardholder. |
· It is understood that the client’s signature on this form means his acknowledgement of the banking services tariffs of QNB Bebasata and published on QNB Bebasata website especially those related to this application. It is understood that these tariffs are modifiable from time to time by QNB Bebasata and the client is entitled to view any modification or amendment through QNB Bebasata website bebasata.qnb.com.eg |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to change the card’s credit limit and notify the cardholder, according to QNB Bebasata terms and conditions through any of the communication means maintained at QNB Bebasata (landline phone no., mobile number or email address) without a need for a written approval from the cardholder. |
· It is agreed that the delayed clients in paying QNB Bebasata facilities due payments and installments for more than 180 days after the due date will be included in the Central Bank of Egypt creditworthiness negative lists. The consequences of this action are: |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to stop the credit limit of the card in case other Egyptian banks will not proceed in granting facilities to such clients listed in the negative list. |
· The client will remain registered in the CBE Negative List as follows: |
- For three years: in case of rescheduling and in case of delinquent clients. - For five years: in case of settlement for clients with indebtedness balances up to 1 million. - For ten years: in case of settlement for clients with indebtedness balances for more than 1 million. |
· It is also agreed that the client’s submittal of this application is deemed as an approval from the client’s side to inform him/her of any information, transactions, premiums, interests or correspondence related to this application – which QNB Bebasata discerns to inform the client about – via SMS on the client’s mobile number recorded at QNB Bebasata or via the client’s e-mail address provided in this application. QNB Bebasata has the right to notify us of any amendments, obligations or messages related to this application via the mobile number or e-mail as previously mentioned. This approval is deemed final and irrevocable. |
· It is understood that QNB Bebasata has the right to amend all fees, penalties and others according to its sole discretion. Any amendment shall be effective and applicable once acknowledged by QNB Bebasata. The client has the right to view any changes or modifications thereon through QNB Bebasata website bebasata.qnb.com.eg |
· The client declares that he authorizes QNB Bebasata to maintain data and copies of documents uploaded into the system. The client also declares that he read and consents to the terms and conditions of the mentioned service. |
Regarding the CDs: |
· In case the client is listed in CBE negative list, he becomes ineligible to receive any credit facilities against the CD. |
· Since QNB Bebasata will not grant the client any credit facility against CDs if he was found registered on the CBE Negative list, the client will be fully responsible for the consequences, which shall entail the impossibility of breaking the CD prior to 6 months of its issuance date. |
Terms and Guarantees: |
· This application is considered an integral part of the Account Opening Application signed by the client where all conditions apply. The information contained therein is the property of QNB Bebasata and its insurers. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to request a guarantee against issuing the card. The guarantee shall be reserved for 45 days after a written request to terminate the card, handing over the card to QNB Bebasata and effecting full payment of the debit balance. |
· The card is the property of QNB Bebasata and a trusteeship held by the cardholder. The card remains the property of QNB Bebasata at all times and shall be returned to QNB Bebasata by the cardholder upon the request of QNB Bebasata. The cardholder is entitled to terminate this agreement and put an end to using the card at any time and without notification. This termination, however, shall not waive any of the cardholder's liabilities as to the transactions he/she performed before termination of the card use. The termination shall be effected upon returning the card to QNB Bebasata. |
· QNB Bebasata is entitled to terminate the use of the card, whether totally or partially, and also has the right to terminate the card at any time, or refuse to re-issue, renew or replace any card, which shall give rise for claiming the settlement of the card limit. Accordingly, if no such termination occurs and until its occurrence, QNB Bebasata shall renew the card’s validity from time to time for its usage according to the terms of this agreement. |
· The cardholder declares that he/she shall enjoy the scope of services of Mastercard/Visa Gold within the designated limit as specified by Mastercard/Visa International, which are subject to amendments from time to another according to the conditions stipulated by Mastercard/Visa International and according to the contractual terms set or will be set by Mastercard/Visa International with other companies entitled to deliver such benefits to cardholders. The cardholder declares that he/she fully acknowledges all terms and conditions and agrees to issue the card in accordance with such terms and conditions. The cardholder exempts, from now on, QNB Bebasata from any responsibility concerning any disputes that may arise in this regard. |
· QNB Bebasata is entitled to automatically renew the pledged certificate(s) for its benefit at the published price upon renewal without the need to inform us or request a written approval from our side. |
· In case of acquiring unsecured Credit Cards, it is agreed that: |
· The client hereby irrevocably authorizes QNB Bebasata to pledge, for its benefit, any Certificates as an insuring guarantee at any time according to its discretion for dues that are or will be liable by the client. The client, hereby, authorizes QNB Bebasata to conduct a selective set-off between the client’s debit liabilities for whatever reason, and the client’s credit obligations. The client also authorizes QNB Bebasata to break his certificates to fulfill his liabilities to QNB Bebasata regardless of the reason and even before the due date without the need for any notice, excuse or to take any other procedure. |
· Pursuant to this application, the client hereby acknowledges his awareness that the movement of his account at QNB Bebasata and Certificates have been the main reason behind QNB Bebasata approval to grant the client the facility / credit limit subject of this contract. Accordingly, pursuant to this, the client hereby finally and irrevocably authorizes QNB Bebasata to seize – at any time and according to QNB Bebasata discretion – and freeze at least an amount equal to 120% of the credit limit / facility granted to the client – from any Certificate which may be held in any of the client’s accounts at QNB Bebasata. In doing so, the certificate(s) shall be considered allocated in favor of QNB Bebasata for the settlement of the credit limit / facility. Such allocation shall be an indivisible security against all that may be or shall be due by the client towards QNB Bebasata which arise from the facility / credit limit subject of this contract. It is agreed that in case the client wishes to break any seized Certificate or use any part of its value thereof, QNB Bebasata shall have the right to effect blockage on them altogether or any part thereof and conduct a selective setoff between the client’s debit liabilities – for whatever reason – and any of the client’s afore-mentioned funds and the credit balances held at QNB Bebasata. The client also authorizes QNB Bebasata to use all or part of the client’s accounts and the above-mentioned depository products to meet the debit balances payable to QNB Bebasata including principle, interests, commissions, fees and other adjuncts, at the time seen appropriate by QNB Bebasata and at its discretion, even if such action is taken prior to the maturity date, without the need to notify, excuse the client or take any further procedure. |
· It is agreed that if the mentioned debit balances arise as a result of the issuance of a credit card to the client, QNB Bebasata is entitled to resume to seize the afore-mentioned funds and accounts, and block them for a period of 45 days after the cancellation of all the cards that have been issued to the client and fully returned to QNB Bebasata. The client hereby declares to exempt QNB Bebasata from all types of liabilities, whatever their extent or source, which may ensue from the QNB Bebasata use of the previous rights. |
Terms of Delivery and Using the Card: |
· The client hereby acknowledges his awareness that QNB Bebasata handles the delivery of cards and PIN codes through courier companies. Such companies retain the client’s signature on electronic devices designed for this purpose. The client’s acknowledgment and electronic consent on this application is considered a clear and written statement of the client’s approval to send, using couriers - as selected by QNB Bebasata – the client’s card and PIN code. Moreover, the client’s acknowledgment and electronic consent he provides on the devices for such purpose, as well as any electronic documents or outputs processed by such devices are to be considered proof for the client’s receipt of the card and PIN code, which shall waive the client’s right for objection in the future. The client exempts QNB Bebasata from any contractual obligation or delinquency that might befall the client as a consequence to such delivery. In addition, the client also exempts QNB Bebasata from any responsibility for loss or damage - of whatever nature - that may arise in connection with the delivery of the client’s card and PIN code by courier companies. |
· Immediately after receiving the card, the cardholder is obliged to sign it on its reverse side where appropriate. The signature on the card must conform to the one used in the application request for issuing an account at QNB Bebasata and will be considered a basis for making transactions. It is understood that failure to follow this instruction will not affect our obligations arising from using the card. |
· The card shall be exclusively used by the cardholder provided that it’s still valid at the time of use, used within the credit limits determined by QNB Bebasata and conforms to other terms of use stipulated by QNB Bebasata and amended from time to time. |
· The primary cardholder shall bear exclusive and unlimited responsibility towards QNB Bebasata for all consequences arising from using the primary card and other supplementary cards, as well as the consequences of loss, theft, destruction or mal-use of any of these cards. |
· The cardholder undertakes to sign purchase receipts at the merchant’s store using the same signature conforming to the one used on the card’s reverse. The client shall maintain a copy of those receipts. In all circumstances, the signature is considered acceptable by QNB Bebasata whenever the card’s data is mentioned in the receipt. In case it is not necessary to sign the receipt or if the cardholder has not signed it, the receipt shall be considered acceptable by QNB Bebasata whenever the card’s data is mentioned on the receipt or if the card has been electronically recorded. |
· It is permitted to request copies of transaction receipts in the event of claiming objections. The period for making such receipts available may extend to 45 days from the written request made by the cardholder. |
· With regards to financial transactions conducted through the Internet, the client shall be fully responsible of the transactions performed regardless of whether the client used the Internet Identification Number (CVV2/CVC2) or not. Since transactions conducted through the Internet are insecure, it is preferable to conduct transactions through sites that bear the VBV sign. |
· QNB Bebasata shall not be responsible whatsoever if any enterprise rejects using the card. Moreover, if any other bank / authority dealing with QNB Bebasata requests the cardholder to handover the card, he/she shall comply after tearing apart the card into two pieces. |
· QNB Bebasata shall not be responsible for any kind of damages or harm that result from defected automatic teller machines (ATM), data storage and analysis devices or for any other reason beyond the control of QNB Bebasata, its agents or sub-contractors. |
· QNB Bebasata can issue a replacement card or terminate the use of the present card at its sole discretion. The client shall be notified of any such actions through means seen as appropriate by QNB Bebasata. |
· QNB Bebasata records in using the card through ATMs or at P.O.S to perform any banking transaction, either manually or electronically, are considered decisive and binding for all purposes. |
Blocking of the Credit Card: |
· The credit card is issued for personal use only; in addition to the terms of breach provided for, whether implicitly or explicitly, in this request QNB Bebasata has the right to block or cancel the card at any time in the following cases: |
- Misusing the full or partial limits of the card in purchasing transactions that are not complying with the card’s transactions’ history in accordance to the sole discretion of QNB Bebasata; |
- Transferring or depositing massive amounts of cash to the credit card account; |
- Conducting illegal transactions using the credit card; |
- Incomplete contractual or legal agreements stipulated to guarantee and secure the QNB Bebasata rights acquired from usage of this card; |
- Noncompliance with any of the terms and conditions mentioned hereof in this request. |
Settlement of Card Transactions: |
· The cardholder shall settle all fees, commissions, interests and other charges defined by QNB Bebasata, as well as any other charges or services' commissions due to Mastercard/Visa which are not subject to the cardholder's objection either for the Primary or Supplementary card. The cardholder authorizes QNB Bebasata to debit the card's account with said charges and fees when they are due. |
· All amounts of transactions in the card's account are debited in the Egyptian currency. All transactions made with the use of the card in foreign currency will be converted by Mastercard/Visa into Egyptian currency as of the date in which the transaction is processed as reflected in the statement. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to debit automatically, without reverting to the cardholder, any amounts which were credited by mistake to the card's account. |
· The debit amount shall be immediately due for full settlement - in accordance with QNB Bebasata sole discretion - if the cardholder breaches any condition for using the card or at any other event where the date of settling the debt is legally due as in bankruptcy or death according to the law in force in A.R.E. |
· If an enterprise issues a re-entry note for a specific card transaction, QNB Bebasata shall add the amount of such a note to the card's account upon its receipt of the re-entry documents from the enterprise. If no re-entry note is issued or sent to QNB Bebasata, the account shall be due for full settlement and no claims by the cardholder against the enterprise shall be considered for clearance, reverse entry or sub-claimed against QNB Bebasata. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right - without notifying or sending any alerts to the client - to utilize the guarantee at any time for covering any debt in case the client delays the settlement of any due amount to QNB Bebasata or stops payment without the need to send a warning or notice to the client. |
· The cardholder authorizes QNB Bebasata to conduct selective set-off between the various client’s debit liabilities and the client’s credit obligations, if any, at any time and according to QNB Bebasata discretion without the need for any notice, excuse or consent. |
· QNB Bebasata has the right to open a debit account for the debit amount of the card with an interest rate equal to that applied on the card or at the basic interest rate - whichever is higher. It also reserves the right not to renew the card - without reverting to the client - if he/she delays settlement of the debit amount or stops payment. The client's signature on the application request is considered an implicit approval on this clause. |
· The holder of the Primary card can settle QNB Bebasata dues either by debiting his/her account at QNB Bebasata or by cash payment. |
· If, upon using the card for withdrawals from ATMs - according with the limits specified - the user does not withdraw all or part of the cash dispersed by the ATM within the allowed time span, the ATM shall capture the amount. In such a case, QNB Bebasata is not responsible to re-enter the debit transaction performed on the card's account except after finalizing the ATM reconciliation procedures. The cardholder is not liable to raise any objections as to the outcome of the reconciliation. |
· The below steps are to be followed in the event of claiming objections as to some transactions entered on the card's account or in order to request a copy of these transactions' receipts: |
· The client's objection must be made in writing within 90 days from the date of the transaction, subject of protest. |
· If the complaint is found to be justified, the client has the right for a refund. The claimed amount indicated in the complaint, shall be credited to the card's account after a specified period and according to the procedures followed by Mastercard/Visa which are not subject to the cardholder's objection. |
· QNB Bebasata is not liable for any loss or damage - either directly or indirectly – arising from the cardholder's mal-use of the card or its defect or ATM shortcomings resulting from an error made by the cardholder or temporary insufficient funds in the ATM or for any other reason. |
· The cardholder shall take all the possible precautions to ensure the security of the card and PIN. They are not to be kept in the same place and the PIN must not be revealed to any other person, as the PIN is determined by the cardholder upon the card’s first use and may be changed from time to time by the cardholder at his sole discretion. If the card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must immediately report to QNB Bebasata the card's loss through the call center, internet e-banking or mobile banking services. The cardholder shall bear all liabilities and shall take full responsibility towards QNB Bebasata for the consequences of mal-use of the card - whether made by the cardholder himself /herself or by another party; as well as any amounts arising from the card's use as from the date of losing the card till the date of reporting its loss or theft to QNB Bebasata. If the cardholder finds the lost card, he/she must not use it but has to deliver it directly to QNB Bebasata where procedures for card destruction take place. |
· For the purpose of enhancing security, QNB Bebasata has set a daily limit for cash withdrawals and placed a maximum number for daily withdrawals permitted. QNB Bebasata reserves the right - at different intervals - to amend such limits at its discretion and according to any arising circumstances without the right for claiming objections from any party. |
· QNB Bebasata is not liable under any circumstances for any damages that might befall the cardholder as a result of a transaction performed through the Internet using the card. Neither is it liable for any consequences that are a result of disclosing the Card Number through the Internet. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right to temporarily terminate the use of the card credit if any doubtful transactions are found according to QNB Bebasata evaluation. Temporary termination is processed if QNB Bebasata was unable to reach the client to verify the transaction. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right to terminate the use of the credit card if the client is questioned about the doubtful transaction but he/she was unable to verify the transaction or its amount. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right to amend the cash withdrawal limits of the card (daily limit - daily amount of transactions … etc.) according to whatever limit QNB Bebasata sees appropriate to secure the client without reverting to him/her. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right to terminate the use of the card credit in some countries and some stores as seen appropriate by QNB Bebasata to protect the client against theft and without reverting to him/her. |
Account Statement: |
· QNB Bebasata correspondence shall be considered as delivered to the cardholder upon sending them by email to the cardholder's e-mail address specified in the application for issuing the card. The cardholder also declares that all account statements issued by QNB Bebasata are correct and binding at courts except if the cardholder objects to any transaction within 15 days from the date of sending the Account Statement. The cardholder's objections - as to any data stated in the Account Statement - are subject to the procedures and regulations applied by Mastercard/Visa which the client acknowledges. The cardholder must inform QNB Bebasata through mobile / internet banking services of any change in address or any change in his/her data stated in this application. The cardholder shall still be liable to settle the dues at the appropriate timings even if a delay in the delivery of the Account Statement occurs. |
· QNB Bebasata reserves the right to deliver the Account Statements via email - as stated by the client in the application for issuing the card, or as per the client's instructions through the call center - this shall be an explicit declaration by the client to benefit from this service instead of sending the Account Statement by mail. |
· For a regular proceeding of the card’s account, the minimum debit amount stated in the Account Statement has to be settled by the client within the specified date during official working hours. Consequently, the card shall be automatically renewed at the renewal date. If such regularity of payment is disregarded, delay fees shall be added to the card's account thereby making it an irregular account. The use of the card shall then be temporarily terminated and no renewal shall take place on the renewal date until the settlement of all debit amounts. The value date of deposits in the card's account are valid and effective on the following day of the actual deposit date. If the card's account is not settled, QNB Bebasata has the right to debit the account of certificate of deposits and has the right to debit the cardholder's employment dues without the need to notify or send alerts to the client or request a court ruling. |
· The cardholder authorizes QNB Bebasata to notify him/her of any data seen necessary by QNB Bebasata (such as reminder of the amount utilized from the credit limit, date of settlement of the Account Statement …) either by SMS message to the client’s mobile no. or email against monthly fees debited from the card's account. |
· Without prejudice to the right of QNB Bebasata in the continuance of the Certificate till its maturity, in case of client’s death, the Certificate remains active according to the terms & conditions mentioned in this application until its maturity date. This is as long as none of the heirs, regardless of his share, did not request to break the Certificate before its maturity date. In the above-mentioned case – without prejudice to the previously mentioned right of QNB Bebasata – the remaining amount of the deposit in case of breakage will be held in trust accounts “without interest” at the bank till it is distributed among the rightful heirs. |
Procedures required to submit a complaint: |
The customer has the right to submit a complaint to QNB Bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details: |
· First: The client is entitled to submit his complaint in several ways as follows: - Contact Center Hotline No. 16607 - Email: customer.experience@bebasata.qnb.com.eg - Website bebasata.qnb.com.eg - Mobile Banking Services - Internet Banking Services |
· Second: QNB Bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint. |
· Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB Bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB Bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB Bebasata reply. |
· Fourth: If the customer objects to QNB Bebasata reply, QNB Bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection. |
· Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB Bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint. |
Digital Services
General Terms & Conditions of Digital Services |
Definitions |
The client/ Service User: the natural person who subscribed to the electronic services, approved and signed the terms and conditions of this agreement. |
In case the client loses his/her Mobile device registered at QNB bebasata, and the Password is lost or stolen, the Service User must immediately report the case through calling QNB bebasata customer solution center 16607. The client shall be fully responsible for all fees and operations conducted up to the date and time of reporting to 16607the loss or theft of his/her mobile Device registered in the service. |
QNB bebasata shall not be liable for any loss the client incurs except after the date and time of reporting to QNB bebasata, confirmed by a written notification for the loss or theft of the mobile Device or the password. |
QNB bebasata employees – or its agents – are prohibited to request the system user to disclose any information (such as PINs or passwords) via e-mail or other means. If such information is requested, the system user must refuse disclosure and call QNB bebasata on 16607 as soon as possible. |
The client shall not disclose any of his/her confidential information such as PINs or passwords or any other data. It is the client’s responsibility to protect such data and confidential information and shall not therefore disclose it even to QNB bebasata employees. In case any person becomes aware of such data and confidential information or the Service User doubts that any person becomes aware of such data and confidential information, the Service User shall therefore notify QNB bebasata as soon as possible. The Service User shall solely bear all consequences resulting from not executing or implementing any of his/her obligations contained in this application. |
The contents, organization, consolidation, system, drawings and designs of the services subject of this application, as well as the attractive translation, digital transformation and other matters related to QNB bebasata website for the mentioned services are altogether protected by copyright, trademarks, intellectual property rights, moral rights and other applicable rights pursuant to applicable laws. |
The service user is not entitled to copy, distribute, use or publish any of the afore-mentioned – except as allowed under this agreement. It is understood that the transfer of information or material from QNB bebasata website or through QNB bebasata services subject of this agreement, is not deemed to be a waiver by QNB bebasata of any of its property rights or other established rights for such information and material. |
It is strictly prohibited to breach the above clause. The service user shall be liable for any damage caused to QNB bebasata as a result of breaching the above-mentioned rights. The service user shall be obliged to compensate QNB bebasata in case any claims are raised against QNB bebasata by any third-party due to such breach. |
In case QNB bebasata discovers any act or trial made by the client to violate the laws or regulations against money laundering or anti-terrorism, QNB bebasata shall have all the right to stop dealing on the User’s electronic balances until the User gives an appropriate and acceptable justification to QNB bebasata in light of the laws or regulations against money laundering or anti-terrorism, and without prejudice to the right of QNB bebasata to take all the measures imposed by the laws applied in the Arab Republic of Egypt (A.R.E) in this respect. |
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all notices required to be sent to the client will be effective when they are delivered to the current e-mail address or mobile number that QNB bebasata maintains for the client in its records. Notices from the Service User will be effective when received at QNB bebasata Head Office. |
QNB bebasata shall have the right to delegate a third party, whether locally in A.R.E or internationally, to fulfil its obligations toward the client; in this case QNB bebasata shall be responsible towards the service user for maintaining the execution of this agreement. QNB bebasata shall also be responsible towards the client for any errors committed by such third party. |
QNB bebasata has the right to assign its rights or delegate the performance of any of its obligations under this agreement to a company affiliated with the bank or to any other party without notifying the Service User thereof and without the need to obtain the User’s consent for such assignment or delegation. |
QNB bebasata shall not be deemed to have waived any of its rights nor to have reclaimed its rights unless such waiver was made in writing and signed by QNB bebasata. QNB bebasata delay or omission to exercise or claim its rights shall not be deemed to be a waiver by QNB bebasata of such rights or reclamation of its rights or other rights. A waiver of a right in one of the cases shall not be interpreted under any circumstance as a ruling or waiver for any rights or reclamation of rights in future cases. In case of cancelation or termination of any service under this agreement for any reason whatsoever, and in cases of QNB bebasata seizure of the user’s accounts, bankruptcy or insolvency, as well as in all cases where a legal impediment exists which prohibits the client/service user to perform any transactions on his/her account, the client/service user is committed and undertakes not to use the cancelled or terminated service and shall not use the services – in any other cases – for whatever reasons, otherwise QNB bebasata shall not be liable for such action in any way. |
The service user undertakes to pay the service fees, annual fees, withdrawal, deposit, and transfer fees, as well as the fees for any additional services made available by QNB bebasata within the services contained in this application. Such fees shall be determined by QNB bebasata in its tariff which is announced and disclosed by QNB bebasata from time to another. According to the payment terms agreed upon in this application, the client shall also pay the stipulated fees by QNB bebasata in addition to the costs, charges, and subscription fees of the mobile phone network operators, internet providers and any other payable and due expenses for the use of services. The client shall also pay all types of taxes in relation to the mentioned services. |
The Service User declares that QNB bebasata shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to amend the terms of this application or the terms for the provision of any service through the amendment of services, terms and conditions from time to another without the need for any notice, warning or other procedure. The Service User also declares that his/her consent and use of the service after implementing any amendments on the terms and conditions of this service is deemed an express consent from the user to such amendments and a legal commitment to the amended or new terms and conditions. The client’s consent to use his/her account(s) through the mentioned services is deemed an acknowledgment by the client to accept any change in the terms and conditions which shall be automatically displayed by the system or communicated to the client by any means of communication stated herein and shall constitute a legal commitment to the client that is enforceable as of the date they have been displayed or notified. |
QNB bebasata has the right to add any new services or amend the existing services; the client shall be informed of the terms of use thereof in due time through this service. QNB bebasata may also terminate or amend some of the services currently available in order to adapt to the system’s working conditions without the need for the client’s prior consent, warning, notification or any other legal procedure. The client agrees that QNB bebasata shall use electronic means to notify him/her of the afore-mentioned amendments and to communicate the terms of use, exclusively, via the application, e-mail, SMS, information messages or the official website of QNB bebasata. |
The services and the authorized subscription in accordance with the service systems are provided on a personal basis to the applicant and authorized person and are not transferable in any way. It is strictly prohibited to copy, by photocopying or photographing, the written documents that are attached to the subscription form. The client undertakes to exercise due diligence and maximum care in using the services to safeguard them from unauthorized access; otherwise, the client shall bear all liabilities towards QNB bebasata, the provider and owner of the services. |
From now on, the client acknowledges that his/her daily usage of these services signifies the acknowledgment of the accuracy of his/her accounts and dealings with QNB bebasata regularly. This acknowledgement is considered the main reason for QNB bebasata provision of its consistent use of the services. |
QNB bebasata offers the Electronic Banking services and the services subject of this agreement without any guarantee whatsoever, whether explicitly or implicitly. |
QNB bebasata has the right to amend all commissions, fees and interest rates in accordance with the rates announced on QNB bebasata website. |
The client, service user, acknowledges that QNB bebasata has informed him/her of all operational risks and other risks in connection with the use of the services subject of this application and that the client has accepted to subscribe therein in light of his/her awareness of all such risks. The client acknowledges to have used substantive and technical means to secure his/her sole personal use as well as to protect against hacking and prevent the occurrence of any amendment to his/her electronic instructions and the mobile number linked to those services. In this respect, the client accepts to bear full responsibility for his/her failure to take security measures against the risks of those services. The client declares to exempt QNB bebasata from any contractual or dereliction responsibility related to the use of those services. |
It is agreed that to the extent necessary to implement QNB bebasata banking services subject of this agreement, QNB bebasata may disclose information related to the client’s accounts to third parties, according to its discretion and the requirements prescribed by the orders or internal regulations of QNB bebasata or as prescribed by law or supervisory bodies. |
The client is responsible to ensure that the client’s mobile devices used to access the services subject of this agreement are not penetrated (including but not limited to Rooted/Jailbroken devices) which may jeopardize the client’s information and impact the service functional efficiency. For avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that QNB bebasata shall not be liable for any kind of penetration whatsoever, whether of this type or any other type, and it is also agreed that QNB bebasata is exempted from all types of liabilities and any damages suffered or resulting from the afore-mentioned matter. |
The client acknowledges that QNB bebasata shall not be liable and shall not bear any costs or burdens that may incur due to interruption of the internet connection / communications network or due to any problems occurring to the network or the mobile line or to any means of communication related to the services. |
QNB bebasata or any other delegated party shall have the right to record and maintain telephone calls received by the client on the customer service line. |
QNB bebasata has the right to suspend the delivery of any and/or all the services stated herein or terminate the client's subscription thereof in case of any violation by the client to any of the terms of this agreement. QNB bebasata also has the right to take any of the afore-mentioned procedures where QNB bebasata deems it necessary to take such procedure, without any need for notifying or warning the client or any other legal procedure, and without prejudice to any other rights whatsoever QNB bebasata may have against the client in result of any violation to the terms of service. |
The services subject of this agreement are usually available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. However, at some intervals and for a specified period, some or all of those services may not be available due to system maintenance. |
This agreement shall be governed, interpreted and implemented in accordance with Egyptian laws and pursuant to the agreement’s conditions, particularly, the terms and conditions for liability, limitation of liability, binding proof of electronic outputs issued by QNB bebasata according to the terms of these services. For matters not covered or where no provision exits, the following order of precedence shall prevail: provisions of laws especially the Egyptian trade law, the Central Bank of Egypt’s law, the regulations of supervisory bodies and the banking customs. The other clients’ accounts relations and agreements with QNB bebasata shall continue to be governed by the terms of agreement for those accounts and by the laws that govern them. |
Bill Payments
Terms & Conditions of Bill Payment Service |
Through this service, the client shall be able to execute electronic payment transactions and settle the amounts due to the client’s service providers by debiting the client’s current account via the mobile application provided by QNB bebasata |
To enjoy this service, the client must own a mobile device and a mobile no. purchased by means of an official contract with any mobile operator. |
To use the service, the client must follow the below steps: |
- Download the mobile application from QNB bebasata website and the en-token application from the online electronic store. |
- Access the application and select the required transaction then follow the steps shown through the application. |
- The system will require the client to enter his en-token password to confirm any transaction. |
All instructions given by the client and all transactions executed by the client through the service are binding. QNB bebasata shall activate all transactions and execute all instructions given by the client through the service. |
QNB bebasata shall execute all transactions and instructions once received. On the other hand, the client shall be responsible for all consequences arising from QNB bebasata execution of those instructions. |
The client agrees that all transactions and instructions executed by QNB bebasata shall be recorded and applied against the client by means of the reports extracted by QNB bebasata according to the terms of this service. The client declares that those documents extracted and/or printed electronically shall bear conclusive evidence against the client and are deemed an acceptable evidence by the client. |
QNB bebasata has the right to amend or update any payment application through the mobile application whether such update was in connection with the service procedures or the safety and security of information. The client shall receive a notice from QNB bebasata on his mobile. Accordingly, the client must download the new application through QNB bebasata website which shall include the new application or the updates required to be downloaded. |
QNB bebasata shall not be responsible for any disputes between the service providers and the clients in relation to the quality of services or their performance. Any complaint by the client in this respect must be solved by the client with those parties directly. The role of QNB bebasata in this respect shall be limited to crediting any amount refunded by the client to the client’s account after QNB bebasata receives a valid credit note issued by those parties. |
QNB bebasata may at any time terminate the service delivery provided that the client is notified at least 30 (thirty) days prior the determined service termination date. QNB bebasata reserves the right to amend any term and/or condition for the use of the service. Any amendment or change shall be effective and binding to the client after he is notified through any means decided by QNB bebasata. It is understood that the client must abide by any amendments to the service procedures to enable their use. |
It is agreed that the Egyptian Pound is the only currency used in providing this service. |
Remittance Terms & Conditions |
For domestic and international Remittances, remitters have to give sufficient information regarding the beneficiary's bank and information. In all cases the remitter will bear all responsibilities resulting from incorrect data written in this application. |
This form shall be considered valid for execution only in case of: |
1. The sufficiency of the client’s account balance to execute the transfer of money in addition to the total value of the fees and expenses determined for the Remittance. |
2. In case of receiving the value by the client, it should include the total value of the fees and expenses determined for the Remittance. |
3. All this after deducting any dues that might be determined to QNB bebasata whether prior or contemporary to the Remittance time. |
QNB bebasata has the right not to proceed with the Remittance in any of the following cases: |
1. Lack of clarity of or missing data within the request or the existence of any error in it. |
2. Issuance of instructions from any of the supervisory or regulatory authorities that prevent or hinder its execution. |
3. The refusal of the correspondent bank or the beneficiary bank to execute the Remittance for any reason whatsoever. |
In case of discrepancy between the Remittance amount written in numbers and in letters, the amount written in letters shall be considered the right amount without referring to the client. |
In case Remittance date is not a working day, the client agrees that the transaction will be executed on the following working day. |
The Remittance request cannot be modified or cancelled by the customer unless QNB bebasata hasn’t started the execution of the Remittance procedures yet. |
Refund of Remittances will not be possible in the cases of the transfer of money being recorded in the beneficiary’s account, freezing or implementation of reserve on the transferred money according to the rule of law or based on applicable enforced instructions from regulators whether in the country of the beneficiary or the intermediary bank and in all cases provided that the funds are returned by the correspondent / agent to QNB bebasata. Taking into consideration that a charge (determined by QNB bebasata &/or the correspondent / agent) will be collected from the customer if owing to incorrect information in this form and the money transfer is returned by the paying bank. Cancellation will be only possible after QNB bebasata ensures recording the value in its account from the correspondent and the agent, and in case QNB bebasata provides the foreign currency value of the Remittance, the amount shall be returned to the client on the basis of the exchange or buying rate applied by QNB bebasata on the day of the refund after excluding the charges of QNB bebasata, its correspondents, and agents. |
QNB bebasata is not liable for any delays in transmission or non-execution of the remittance due to causes outside its control or damages in the automatic networks; furthermore, QNB bebasata bears no responsibility in case of freezing or implementation of reserve on the transferred money according to the rule of law or based on applicable enforced instructions from regulators as a consequence of proceeding with the remittance request, whether in the country of the beneficiary, correspondent bank or other. |
The client hereby declares to accept that the remittance notice issued by QNB bebasata would include information about the client’s partial / total / no consumption (as the case may be) of the client’s outgoing foreign currency limit according to the CBE regulations in this regard. |
The client hereby authorizes QNB bebasata to determine any statement that might be required whether to fulfill this service or to abide by the instructions of any of the regulatory entities QNB bebasata is subject to. |
The client declares to exempt QNB bebasata from any liability arising on the occasion of executing or non-executing this request and waives his right from now onwards as to claim any compensations from QNB bebasata in this regard whatever its source or extent. |
The following terms shall apply to incoming remittances in foreign currency: |
If the account held at QNB bebasata is in EGP, another account shall be opened in the currency of remittance, if such currency is acceptable by QNB bebasata for the account opening – e.g. EGP, USD, EURO – and the incoming amount shall be credited to this new account. |
If the currency of remittance is not included within the acceptable currencies for accounts opened at QNB bebasata, the client should request to exchange such currency to another acceptable currency for QNB bebasata accounts. This action necessitates the customer to request the opening of a sub-account of the required currency, if he/she doesn’t have one already. |
It is understood that the client has the right to apply through QNB bebasata website to open a sub-account in USD and/or EURO or any other currency available in future for a sub-account at QNB bebasata. It is understood that those sub-accounts shall be governed by the following conditions: |
- All the terms of the account contained herein except those in conflict with the account currency. |
- Those accounts shall be restricted to a minimum account opening balance and/or interest bearing – as the case may be – in accordance with the limits that will be announced on the website at the time of application. |
- Those sub-accounts shall be governed by the special terms displayed by the system at that time. |
In case the customer is unreachable (by phone call or email) and the customer failed to deliver the requirements for the transaction, the transaction shall not be fulfilled. The client shall not have the right to claim any compensation in this respect, being the result of a contractual agreement between the parties, where the client shall bear any expenses arising in consequence thereof. |
SWIFT Remittances Terms & Conditions |
Foreign currency SWIFT Remittances are executed within the limits determined by the regulations of the Central Bank of Egypt and the internal regulations of QNB bebasata whether according to its value or documents or timing of execution…etc. (QNB bebasata may execute the Remittance due on the same day or very early payment for East Asian Countries in return for extra charges). |
QNB bebasata will use its customary procedures for the transfer of funds according to this application. In doing so; QNB bebasata is authorized on behalf of the customer to make use of any correspondent, sub-agent, or other agents. But in no case is either QNB bebasata or any of its correspondents liable for mutilation interruptions, omissions, errors, or delays in SWIFT system. |
ACH Remittances Terms & Conditions |
In the event of not specifying a date for settlement it will be processed for settlement on the next working day. |
It is understood that the client’s cancellation of a D+1 transaction is only possible if the window for the settlement cycle specified in this application is still open. If the window for the settlement cycle has been closed, the client understands that it is up to the discretion of the beneficiary to execute a return of payment for the transferred amount to be returned, thus removing any liability from QNB bebasata in this respect. |
It is agreed that no liability will be placed on QNB bebasata in the event of its inability to process the transfer of money or its settlement due to incorrect information provided or the rejection of the Remittance by the beneficiary bank, correspondent bank or intermediary bank for any reason whatsoever. It is also understood that in such case the commissions and charges of Remittance creation will not be refunded to the client’s accounts. |
The client declares that in case any of the information provided by the client needs to be modified, it is the client’s responsibility to make the necessary modifications within the settlement cycle window indicated in this application. |
Terms and Conditions of E-mail Authorization |
Through this service, the client shall be able to request any of the following: - Re-issue cards. - Execute transactions in foreign currency between the client’s personal accounts. - Request a certified statement of account. - Submit an objection for a card transaction. - Request issuance of certificates or letters. |
These services are subject to change by QNB bebasata. |
The client authorizes QNB bebasata to accept any kind of instructions and orders transmitted to QNB bebasata by e-mail from the account holder regarding the management and disposal of funds and assets of all kinds. QNB bebasata shall firmly execute such orders and instructions. QNB bebasata is entitled, in the case of doubts regarding the identity and/or authority of the sender of the e-mail (s), not to execute the orders and/or instructions. The client also authorizes QNB bebasata, but not binding to the later, prior to the execution of the orders and/or instructions, to ask the client for an original signed confirmation. |
The client declares that QNB bebasata does not incur any responsibility for losses or damages of any kind (especially losses or damages in connection with delivery errors, misleading instructions, fraud, falsification, and security) arising from the use of e-mail. |
This authorization also applies if the notification received by QNB bebasata in the form of an e-mail message contains a revocation, change or adjustment of agreements concluded with QNB bebasata. |
Terms and Conditions of E-Mail Notification |
Definitions |
“The service”: refers to E-Mail Notification Service provided by QNB bebasata to its clients who subscribed to such service. Through this service, clients are notified, via the e-mail they have chosen, of a copy of acknowledgment of payment and trade finance services which QNB bebasata has executed based upon their instructions. |
The client acknowledges the following: |
- The client is the actual and only beneficiary of the mobile line/ E-mail Address linked to the service(s) and stated in this application form and that it is under his custody. |
- The client declares to have received a copy of this Application/Acknowledgment on the date of its signature for reference and necessary action. |
- The client’s signature on this Application is considered a request to subscribe to the bundled electronic services. The client shall be committed to pay all the expenses and charges set out by the bank for each service. |
- Continuation of this service(s) is dependent on the continuation of subscription. |
In case the Mobile device registered at the bank is lost, or the Password is lost or stolen, the Service User must immediately report the case through calling the customer solution center 16607 and confirm such in writing to the bank The client shall be fully responsible for all fees and operations conducted up to the date and time of reporting the loss or theft of his/her mobile Device. The service user acknowledges that the bank will not be responsible to bear any costs resulting from failure in internet/ telecommunication network or any failure or breakdowns in the network or mobile line or in case of mobile device loss. |
The client shall not disclose any of his/her confidential information such as PINs or passwords or any other data. It is the client’s responsibility to protect such data and confidential information and shall not therefore disclose it even to the Bank’s employees. If requested to disclose it, the user must refuse and promptly call 16607. In case any person becomes aware of such data and confidential information or if the Service User doubts that any person becomes aware of it, the Service User shall therefore change the password and notify the Bank as soon as possible. The client shall solely bear all consequences resulting from the failure to perform or implement any of his/her obligations contained in this application. |
The client hereby acknowledges to exempt the Bank from any liability whatsoever, regardless of its source or scope, arising out of the bank’s execution or non-execution of this application. The customer hereby forfeits from now on its right of recourse against the bank in this respect. |
All notices required to be sent to the client will be effective when they are delivered to the current e-mail address or mobile number that the Bank maintains for the client in its records. Notices from the Service User will be effective when received at the Bank’s head office or at the Service. |
The Bank shall have the right to delegate a third party, whether locally in A.R.E or internationally, to fulfil its obligations toward the client; in this case, the Bank shall be responsible towards the service user for maintaining the execution of this Annex, and the confidentiality of the client’s information and data. The bank shall also be responsible towards the client for any errors committed by such third party. |
The service user(s) undertake to pay the service fees (fees for both the services of transfer and issuance of a virtual card), annual fees, withdrawal, deposit, and transfer fees, as well as the fees for the current services and any additional services made available by the bank within the services contained in this application. Such fees shall be determined by the bank in its tariff which is announced and disclosed by the bank from time to another. According to the payment terms agreed upon in this application, the client shall also pay the stipulated fees by the bank in addition to the costs, charges, and subscription fees of the mobile phone network operators, internet providers and any other payable and due expenses for the use of services. The client shall also pay all types of taxes in relation to the mentioned services. |
The client’s signature on this Application is deemed an acknowledgement of the banking services tariff, which is announced on the Bank’s website, especially those related to this request. It is understood to the client that this tariff, including fees, interests and commissions, is subject to amendment from time to time by the Bank. The client is entitled to view any modification or amendment through the Bank’s website bebasata.qnb.com.eg This link (related to fees) shall also be displayed in the internet banking services page. |
The Service User declares that the bank shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to amend the terms of this application or the terms for the provision of any service through the amendment of services, terms and conditions from time to another without the need for any notice, warning or other procedure. The Service User also declares that his/her consent and use of the service after implementing any amendments on the terms and conditions of this service is deemed an express consent from the user to such amendments and a legal commitment to the amended or new terms and conditions. The client’s consent to use his/her account(s) through the mentioned services is deemed an acknowledgment by the client to accept any change in the terms and conditions which shall be automatically displayed by the system or communicated to the client by any means of communication stated herein and shall constitute a legal commitment to the client that is enforceable as of the date they have been displayed or notified. |
The bank has the right to add any new services or amend the existing services; the client shall be informed of the terms of use thereof in due time through this service. The bank may also terminate or amend all or some of the services currently available in order to adapt to the system’s working conditions without the need for the client’s prior consent. The client agrees that the bank shall use electronic means to notify him/her of the afore-mentioned amendments and to communicate the terms of use, exclusively, via the application, e-mail, SMS, or the official bank’s website. |
The services and the authorized subscription in accordance with the service systems are provided on a personal basis to the applicant and authorized person and are not transferable in any way. It is strictly prohibited to copy, by photocopying or photographing, the written documents that are attached to the subscription form. The user undertakes to pay every effort and care in using the services so as to protect the services from any unauthorized use, otherwise the user shall take all types of responsibility towards the Bank, the provider and owner of the service. |
From now on, the client acknowledges that his/her daily usage of these services signifies the acknowledgment of the accuracy of his/her accounts and dealings with the Bank regularly. This acknowledgement is considered the main reason for the bank’s provision of its consistent use of the services. |
The Bank offers the Electronic Banking services and the services subject of this Annex without any guarantee whatsoever, whether explicitly or implicitly. |
The client, service user, acknowledges that the bank has informed him/her of all operational risks and other risks in connection with the use of the services subject of this application. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the mobile phone’s system used to access the service, subject of this agreement, is not penetrated (including but not limited to Rooted/Jailbroken devices) which may jeopardize his/her information or impact the service functional efficiency. The client has accepted to subscribe therein in light of his/her awareness of all such risks. The client acknowledges to have used substantive and technical means to secure his/her sole personal use, as well as to protect against hacking and prevent the occurrence of any amendment to his/her electronic instructions and the mobile number linked to those services. In this respect, the client accepts to bear full responsibility for his/her failure to take security measures against the risks of those services. The client declares to exempt the bank from any contractual or dereliction of responsibility related to the use of those services. |
It is agreed that to the extent necessary to implement the bank’s banking services subject of this agreement, the bank may disclose information related to the client’s accounts to third parties, according to its discretion and the requirements prescribed by the orders or internal bank regulations or as prescribed by law or supervisory bodies. |
In the event of occurrence of change in any of the client’s information or details related to these services, the client shall immediately notify the bank of such change. |
The Bank may – at any time – terminate the service and/or suspend any /or all services under this agreement provided that the client is notified at least thirty days prior the termination date. The bank reserves the right to amend any of the terms and/or conditions of the service and any modification or change will be enforced and binding on the customer after being notified by any means the bank discerns appropriate. In the event a client refuses to accept any of these modifications or amendments, the client shall notify the bank with his intention to terminate the agreement no later than thirty days from the modification acknowledgment date, and shall immediately stop conducting any transactions, request closure of his mobile account/s, settle any payments including the repayment of obligations, recover any amounts remaining in his tally, and finally follow the same procedures of cancellation. All previous actions shall be made without prejudice to the bank’s other rights, of whatever type, which entail the client liable as a result of breaching the terms of services. |
In case of cancelation or termination of service for any reason whatsoever, and in cases of the bank’s seizure of the user’s accounts, bankruptcy or insolvency, as well as in all cases where a legal impediment exists which prohibits the service user to perform any transactions on his/her account, the service user is committed and undertakes not to use the service for whatever reasons, otherwise the bank shall not be liable for such action in any way. |
This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the client or by the bank. The client may cancel the service and terminate this agreement at any time by providing a 10-days written notice or by calling the bank’s customer service on “16707” or by e-mail. This cancellation will become effective when confirmed by the client through a written notice delivered to the bank by the client, service user. The afore-mentioned notice shall only apply to the service and does not terminate any other agreements that the client may have signed with the bank. This termination shall not affect any consequences or outcomes of using this Service by the Service User up till the effective date of termination. |
The services subject of this agreement are usually available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. However, at some intervals and for a specified period, some or all of those services may not be available due to system maintenance. In case of service interruption due to maintenance, the bank shall ensure to reactivate the service, without losing any data, as soon as possible in accordance to the cessation of causes and circumstances that led to the service disconnection. The restoration of services may take a longer period in force majeure events. |
For internet banking services, the service restoration period is 3 days in case of system interruption. |
Terms & Conditions of a Secured Facility
Pledge Undertaking |
• This undertaking is submitted via the electronic banking channel “QNB bebasata” through which QNB bank provides its clients – who have opened an account through said channel – with access to services and the ability to execute banking transactions via the internet. |
• It is understood that any reference – in this undertaking – to QNB bebasata shall mean the afore-mentioned electronic banking channel and/or QNB as its owner and provider. |
• The client, the applicant to the finance in this application, shall hereinafter be referred to as ‘the client’ or the personal pronoun will be used to represent the speaker, as the case may be. |
• The client’s consent to the conditions of this undertaking is considered a final authorization by the client to QNB bebasata to pledge and allocate the afore-mentioned monies as a possessory pledge in favor of QNB bebasata to secure and guarantee the settlement of the client’s obligations towards QNB bebasata arising from the finance subject of this undertaking. |
• The client’s consent to this undertaking is deemed proof and evidence against the client for his acknowledgment of all the terms and conditions stated below. |
• Accordingly, the client must carefully read the terms and conditions and revert to QNB bebasata for any inquiries. The client’s approval is considered evidence for his consent and agreement thereupon and constitutes an undertaking and commitment from his side to the terms and conditions set below. |
Approval of Contract |
• The client declares that all data and information submitted by the client in this undertaking is correct and that he requests a facility from QNB bebasata – based on such data and information – for the amount specified in the application. The facility shall be granted against the depository product specified in the client’s electronic application. |
• The client also declares his acknowledgement of and consent to all the terms and conditions of Certificate of Deposits (CDs) and their breaking, investigation permit, pledge request and the conditions of the Secured Facility contract stated herein. |
• QNB bebasata has the right to automatically renew the allocated and pledged CD for securing the finance subject of this undertaking without the need to revert to the client or obtain a written permission from him. The renewal rate of the CDs provided by QNB bebasata on the date of renewal shall be applied. |
Undertaking |
• The client - as original debtor – in this pledge and allocation hereby declares that the afore-mentioned pledge and allocation shall remain valid until full repayment of the debt’s value secured by this pledge, its interests, expenses and the commissions payable to QNB bebasata in full, and in such a way that this allocation and pledge remains valid and in force under the hands of QNB bebasata despite the maturity of the certificates and shall continue to serve as a guarantee and security until the full repayment of the afore-mentioned debt and its adjuncts. In case QNB bebasata renews the finance upon its expiration, this undertaking constitutes a prior consent by the client for such action and an explicit confirmation by the client for the correctness of the secured balances. |
• For this undertaking for secured finance, the client declares that QNB bebasata – at its discretion – has the right to take the measures for authenticating the pledge undertaking or record it in the Movable Securities Record in accordance with Law 115 of Year 2015. |
• QNB bebasata has the right to break and redeem the allocated and pledged CD and apply selective set- off between any of its dues towards the client even before their date of maturity, whatever the reason was and without the need for notification or warning and without reverting to the client at all, and despite any objection raised from the client’s side. This allocation and pledge is valid as of the date of the client’s electronic approval of this undertaking. The client shall have no right to cancel, change, restrict or amend it for any reason after its issuance. The client also declares his commitment not to assign any rights to other parties for the value of these certificates as they are pledged and allocated only to guarantee the indebtedness referred to in this undertaking and any other indebtedness due to QNB bebasata. Additionally, QNB bebasata has the right to liquidate the certificates even before their maturity date and the payment of the secured debit balances. |
• This pledge and allocation is valid as of the date of the client’s electronic approval of this undertaking. The client shall have no right of cancelation, restriction or the irrevocability of its consent for any reason whatsoever. The client also undertakes not to assign any rights to other parties for the value of the pledged monies as they are pledged and allocated only to guarantee the indebtedness arising from the secured finance. |
• The client declares to exempt QNB bebasata from any liability (contractual or tortious) and from any damages or consequences that may arise from the early redemption of the pledged collaterals or their renewal or any other procedure related to this pledge and allocation. |
• The client delegates QNB bebasata to sign on his behalf on all the documents necessary for the integrity of the pledge, subject of this undertaking, or for its execution, payment of QNB bebasata dues or its renewal. |
• QNB bebasata has the right to collect the value of the interest of the pledged Certificates and deposit it in the debit current account in repayment of any part of the debit balance under the secured facility in this pledge and allocation. |
• It is agreed that the client’s electronic signature on this undertaking is deemed as an approval from the client’s side to inform him of any information, transactions, premiums, interests, obligations, amendments or correspondence related to this secured finance – which QNB bebasata discerns to inform the client about – via SMS on the client’s mobile number recorded at QNB bebasata or via e-mail sent to the client’s e-mail address provided in this undertaking. This approval is deemed final and irrevocable. |
Investigation Permit |
• The client hereby authorizes QNB bebasata to make the necessary investigations for the creation of facility and to acquire all needed information about the client at: |
• All Banks operating in Egypt including the Central Bank of Egypt. |
• All Governmental entities, Ministries, Public and Private Corporations … etc. This permit includes an authorization for internal investigation (from QNB bebasata). |
• QNB bebasata shall have the right to present the client’s data or documents -in case any legal action is taken - to governmental entities or private sector or jurisdiction authority or the client’s employer. |
Acceptance of a secured finance |
• Pursuant to this, we declare that we have requested QNB bebasata to grant us a facility for the sum mentioned in this application against the depository product set forth herein and in accordance with the data herein and the terms and conditions of this undertaking. |
• We declare that QNB bebasata shall have the absolute authority in studying and evaluating this application and whether to accept or refuse it and without the need to declare any reasons. If accepted, our proof for having the value of the mentioned facility is the deposit of its value at QNB bebasata account in which withdrawal from it takes place by our knowledge, whether the withdrawal is through withdrawal cards, e-payment tools of all types and specifications, and other withdrawal means provided by QNB bebasata |
• We hereby declare the correctness of the purpose set forth in this facility application and under our full responsibility. We also acknowledge to use the facility – and any part thereof – for the assigned purpose. |
• Reserve and margin: (Being the difference between the bank's requirements arising out of this finance and the value of the pledged money) we undertake that our debit balance at QNB bebasata shall be less than the value of the saving amount with a percentage determined by QNB bebasata. |
• We undertake to maintain such margin percent during the whole period of this finance and until it is fully settled. If such percent decreases for any reason, we shall be committed to restore the percentage to its former agreed limit, either by cash payments or by increasing the pledged saving account at QNB bebasata within twenty-four hours from the date of being notified by QNB bebasata. Otherwise, the balance of this finance, including principal, interests and adjuncts shall become payable immediately without the need for further notification, warning or any other procedure. |
• It is agreed that QNB bebasata shall have the right to amend the above-mentioned margin at any point in time after notifying us. In such case, we should either settle the difference after amendment within three days or provide QNB bebasata with an accepted collateral. This amendment shall apply if we do not raise any objections from our side. If we object to any amendment, the debit balance of the finance, according to QNB bebasata electronic records, shall fall due and immediately payable. |
• Contractual (Conventional) interest and commission: Even after closure of the account and until repayment is made in full, interests, commissions, expenses and charges "we have electronically agreed upon and are acknowledged of through the system upon requesting this finance shall apply and accordingly shall be automatically charged to our account without need for any warning, notice or other procedure. |
• It is agreed that the return is calculated day by day and on the basis that the year is 360 days. |
• We declare our full awareness of the interests and their means of calculation. We also declare that we requested to obtain this finance according to such calculations. |
• Payment method: We are committed and obliged to pay the value of this facility on installments without prejudice to the bank’s right to calculate the interest for the period lying between the date of granting the facility up to the date of the first installment on the following month according to the table, which we have electronically approved, showing the number of installments and the value of each premium and the due date of each. This table is considered an integral and comprehensive part of this undertaking. It is understood that the value of the mentioned premiums in the table includes only the conventional returns and does not include any other dues to the bank in terms of late payment interest, charges, adjuncts and other expenses placed throughout the duration of this facility until full settlement. It is agreed that in case we settle any due amounts, it is understood that the value date of such amounts shall be after 2-3 days of the deposit date in accordance with the applied procedures by QNB bebasata in this regard. |
• It is agreed that the failure to pay any of these installments in whole or in part or to pay interests on due dates for 31 days, then all the installments shall entail and the whole debit balance will become due and payable instantly without the need for any warning, notice, or any other process, without prejudice to the other rights for QNB bebasata. |
• Alteration of interest: We declare that QNB bebasata shall be entitled to increase the rate of interest provided in this request taking into consideration to automatically amend the interest rate once we are notified. The notification shall be through the statements of accounts that are electronically sent to us and that include the calculated interests on the debit balance or through announcing this amendment by any other means, where the increase in the amended interest shall apply if we do not raise objections to the amendment. |
• It is agreed that in case we object to this amendment within 15 days from the date of being notified, the debit balance of the facility shall become immediately due in accordance with the QNB bebasata electronic records. |
• Moratory interests on arrears (Late Payment Penalty): It is agreed that in case we are being behindhand with payment of any installment in whole or in part, whether regarding the principal amount or the interests beyond its due date, a monthly moratory interest on arrears shall apply to the whole amount of the delinquent installment for each month of late payment as per the rate we are acknowledged of on QNB bebasata website bebasata.qnb.com.eg and accepted. Such interest on arrears shall continue to be computed until full repayment of these delinquents in addition to the interests stipulated under the terms hereof which will be applied and computed, even after account closure, until full payment of the principal amount of the facility as well as payment of interests, charges and adjuncts. |
• We declare that in the event of our delay in paying any of QNB bebasata dues, late payment charges, as per the rate we are acknowledged of on QNB bebasata website bebasata.qnb.com.eg and accepted, shall be applied and computed on a monthly basis until the full payment of these delinquents. |
• This is without prejudice to any of the other rights of QNB bebasata that are determined in this contract in the event of our delinquent payment. |
• Securities and Guarantees: We declare that QNB bebasata shall be entitled to withhold and retain any amounts, funds, documents, endorsable instruments or securities owned by us or coming to QNB bebasata possession. Such funds or deeds shall be considered under this express declaration, without the need for any other declaration by us, possessory pledged in favor of QNB bebasata as an indivisible security and guarantee of all amounts payable or to become payable by us, as per QNB bebasata electronic registers. We authorize QNB bebasata to recover all the amounts payable to it whatever the reason or source thereof may be, by debiting its account or properties held with us as well as effecting account transfers from and to our accounts with it, all without the need for any warning or intimation. |
• Accelerated payment: QNB bebasata, at its own volition exclusively, may accept our accelerated payment request for any part of this facility together with the adjuncts, including interests, commissions, expenses, … etc. In such case, QNB bebasata shall be entitled to calculate the commission on accelerated repayment at the mentioned rate in this contract on the accelerated balance of the facility according to the following conditions: |
a)A lapse of six months from the date of granting the facility hereunder. b)QNB bebasata receives a request from our side for accelerated payment of the whole amount of the facility - or part of it - together with the interests, commissions and adjuncts due until the end of the stipulated term hereof. c)The accelerated payment request is final and irrevocable. |
• In this case, QNB bebasata may deduct a part only of the interests, at its own volition and discretion, for the period from the date of actual payment by us and until the date stipulated for settlement of the facility under provisions of this contract. |
• It is understood that in case QNB bebasata approves the accelerated payment of a part of this facility – according to afore-mentioned conditions - this partial accelerated payment shall not fall below the value of one of the agreed installments in this contract. In such case, QNB bebasata has the right to accept the borrower’s request to amend the installment value or the contract’s duration provided that it does not, under any circumstance, exceed the stipulated period for the settlement of this loan. In all cases, QNB bebasata must approve those amendments. |
• In all circumstances, we authorize QNB bebasata to charge our account directly for the amount of the required accelerated payment or the portion available in our account’s debit balance at QNB bebasata (as the case may be) in accordance with QNB bebasata sole discretion in this respect. |
• Statements of account: It is understood to us that the statements of account are made available to us through QNB bebasata – on a regularly updated basis each …. We declare that the statements of account and correspondence presented to us through QNB bebasata system are deemed correct and confirmed by us unless objection thereto is made within fifteen days from the date of availability. Should the said period elapse without any written and definite objection from our side, the right to contest them whether at the time being or in the future shall lapse. Such failure to object shall be considered a confirmation made by us regarding the accuracy of the items and balances of our statements of accounts. |
• It is agreed that in case of our inability to get acknowledged of any of our statements of account for any reason, we shall be obliged to submit a request to QNB bebasata for such statements. If we did not request them, this shall be considered an explicit proof in confirming our acknowledgment and acceptance of our statements of account; where after that, we shall not have the right to claim that we have not been notified of these statements. |
• We hereby declare and acknowledge that QNB bebasata electronic books and accounts shall be considered a decisive evidence for the amounts due or will become due by us under this facility and represent a proof against us for our account entries. We also waive in advance any legal right that would allow us to claim that QNB bebasata accounts be examined by a court of law or that its books and entries be produced before a court of law. |
• Expenses and charges: We authorize QNB bebasata to charge our account with all various expenses borne in relation to this financing. If the debit balance resulting from this financing is collected through ordinance, we shall be obliged to pay to QNB bebasata all the fees, expenses and duties that would result from using this method. The interests and commissions stipulated hereunder shall apply to such expenses without the need for any warning or notice. |
• Assignment and Transfer: We declare our acceptance henceforth to the assignment by QNB bebasata, of the debt arising here from, whether such assignment is regarding the whole or part of such debt, without the need for any further consent from us. We also authorize QNB bebasata to provide the assignee whatever information needed about us or any of our dealings and transactions with QNB bebasata. we also authorize QNB bebasata to furnish any kind of information presented to third parties that might be necessary for carrying out any work, practice, power, or right with which it is vested hereunder. |
• Closure of the account: It is agreed that QNB bebasata shall be entitled at any time to close the indebtedness accounts hereunder without giving reasons. In such case, all various securities shall remain valid without the need for any warning, intimation or other procedure, where the amounts payable to QNB bebasata shall become due and payable promptly. Closure of the account shall not hinder continuation of the due interests', commissions' and adjuncts' calculation hereunder, which shall be chargeable to our a/c until full payment. We shall have no right to claim any indemnity, whatsoever its source or type might be, due to closure of the accounts of the facility. |
• Debt Falling due and payable: The whole amount of the debit balance resulting from this facility shall become immediately due and payable forthwith. The contractual interests and interests in arrears shall apply thereto without the need for any warning or notice, in one of the following cases: |
a)In all cases where- by law- the debt becomes due and payable before due date. b)Upon our violation of any of this contract's conditions or upon our violation of any of our obligations in any other credit facility that is granted to us by the Bank. c)If any of the data mentioned in this contract turns to be inaccurate. d)In case of our breaching any of our obligations in any other credit facility granted to us by any other bank. e)In case of our death, our loss of capacity for any reason whatsoever. f)In case, any of our creditors took any legal action against us. g)In the event of insufficiency of any guarantees/securities or stipulated insurances that guarantee the facility subject of this contract. |
• Multiplicity of obligations of the Debtor: We declare that in case of multiplicity of our debt obligations towards QNB bebasata, we authorize QNB bebasata to opt for settlement of any one of which prior to the other at any time -at its discretion- without any objection on our part and according to the sole desire of QNB bebasata through debiting our credit balances (if any). |
• Indivisibility of the facility / obligations: It is agreed that the debt due to QNB bebasata shall be indivisible; thus, any part of the securities and warranties which we assumed hereunder shall be indivisible and shall be jointly and severally binding to our successors of whatever degree and shall all remain valid and effective until payment in full of all the debit balance amount resulting from this facility. |
• Transfer, conveyance, incorporation and consolidation of the various accounts: Pursuant to this, we authorize QNB bebasata at any time at its volition to effect transfer and conveyance of our accounts from one account to the other, and to incorporate and consolidate our various accounts and transactions into one sole account without need for notifying us or consent on our part. We also authorize QNB bebasata to effect set-off between our various debit obligations on one side and its credit balances with it on the other side whatever the reason or source of such obligations may be. QNB bebasata may enter the debit balances of the consolidated accounts and any other obligation to the debit side of this facility provided that they shall be guaranteed by the securities hereunder. |
• It is agreed that QNB bebasata shall have the right to transfer the sums deposited in foreign currencies in our accounts to the currency of this facility according to the published rates on the day of the transfer. QNB bebasata shall have the right to use the outcome of this transfer in fulfilling the debit balance resulting from this financing at any time seen adequate and without the need for any further approval from our side. |
• Sums Deposited from our side: We hereby declare that all banking transactions including deposit or others, whether effected by ourselves or through a proxy for us, shall be of our own funds and properties of legitimate sources and are not collected or yielded to us directly or indirectly through any of the crimes penalized legally. We also undertake hereby to update our information and documents submitted for this facility -for any reason- as per the requirements of the provisions of law No. 80/2002 in respect of combating money laundering in Egypt. |
• The terms and conditions of the Application to open our Account at QNB bebasata shall be complementary to this contract and its provisions. |
• Elected domicile: We declare that we have chosen the address indicated in QNB bebasata records as the elected domicile throughout the period of validity hereof so that any and all correspondences, formal and informal notices, initial pleadings and all proceedings can be addressed to us thereat. Otherwise, we shall promptly notify QNB bebasata upon any change in the said address. The books and documents of QNB bebasata, their copies and all other papers shall be considered as an evidence that the correspondence have been correctly addressed to us and adequate evidence of the contents thereof. |
• Jurisdiction: Cairo courts shall have competency to settle any dispute arising in respect to this contract according to the type and limit of competence of each under the law. |
• In case we will use the facility to settle an old facility at another bank, QNB bebasata has the right to hold the amount granted or part of it until the client fully settles the finance at the other bank and provides the necessary documents indicating settlement. |
• In case the facility is used to settle an old facility at QNB bebasata, we authorize QNB bebasata to settle our old facility. |
• The delayed clients in paying the Bank’s facilities due payments and installments for more than 180 days after the due date, will be included in the Central Bank of Egypt creditworthiness negative lists. The consequences of this action are: |
a) Other Egyptian banks will not proceed in granting facilities to such clients listed in the negative list. b) The client will remain registered in the CBE Negative List as follows: |
-For three years: in case of rescheduling and in case of delinquent clients. |
-For five years: in case of settlement for clients with indebtedness balances up to 1 million. |
-For ten years: in case of settlement for clients with indebtedness balances for more than 1 million. |
• According to this agreement, we authorize QNB bebasata to debit our accounts with I-Score investigation fees without the need for any further approval from us or any other process. |
• It is understood that we are ineligible to receive any credit facilities against the CD in case we are listed in CBE negative list. |
• Since we will not be granted any credit facility if found registered on the CBE Negative list, we will be fully responsible for the consequences; which shall entail the impossibility of breaking the CD prior to 6 months of its issuance date. |
• It is understood that we shall maintain the mentioned source of income, as well as the valid CDs withheld at QNB bebasata throughout the finance duration and until full settlement including principal, interests, commissions, fees and adjuncts. If we breach any of these obligations, the finance debit balance shall become immediately due and payable forthwith without the need for notification, warning or any other action. |
• It is also agreed that we shall repay this facility and all its adjuncts in the same currency of the facility. In addition, we acknowledge to make available the necessary foreign currency to repay from our own personal funds. It is understood that we are not permitted to request QNB bebasata to provide us with foreign currency when we repay any part of the sums due on us whether installments, interests, commissions, expenses, penalties or adjuncts, as it is the client’s responsibility without any obligations on QNB bebasata in this respect. |
• It is understood that QNB bebasata has the right to amend all fees, penalties, other adjuncts and all types of commissions including accelerated payment commission according to the sole discretion of QNB bebasata. Any amendment shall be effective and applicable once we are notified through SMS message delivered to our mobile number that is registered at QNB bebasata or delivered to our e-mail or announced through the system. |
• We hereby undertake to authorize QNB bebasata to maintain data and photocopies of documents imported into the system. We declare our acknowledgment and consent to the terms and conditions of the afore-mentioned service. |
Customer Rights protection Terms and regulations |
• Out of QNB bebasata concern to its customer interests and rights, the customer/guarantor before signing this contract should: |
• Read precisely all the terms and conditions of this contract especially what is related to the return rate and its nature (Flat / Floating), method of calculation and payment dates. |
• The client has the right to object within fifteen days to any of the account statements notified to him through QNB bebasata system. |
• The acknowledgment and electronic signature of the client / guarantor (if any) on this contract shall constitute a declaration by him for the clarity of all its terms and conditions and an acknowledgement of the client/guarantor of all its conditions especially those related to the effects of non-payment or delay in payment to any of the due amounts by the client on their due dates and the procedures taken by QNB bebasata to collect its entitlements and also the effects and consequences of reporting the cessation of payment whether to the central bank or to credit assessment companies. |
• If the joint guarantor maintains an account at QNB bebasata, the latter shall be entitled to use all of the balances of the guarantor client in the payment of the debit balances of the guaranteed client. |
• According to the rules issued by the Central Bank of Egypt regulating the registry of credit, failure of payment of any of the Bank’s dues arising from any credit facility will result in QNB bebasata obligation to inform the CBE of cessation of payment by the customer and guarantor – if any. Such notification shall result in classifying the client and guarantor as irregular clients at CBE and the Egyptian I-Score company and the consequences which prohibit dealing with them at all Egyptian Banks shall follow. It is therefore necessary to bring attention to such issue to avoid the consequences. |
• In this case, all the necessary legal measures shall be taken to collect the debt, as well as the banking procedures taken in such cases. |
• In case of the full repayment of the debt, QNB bebasata shall notify the Egyptian I-Score Company of the settlement of the indebtedness and the client is to be provided with a clearance once requested, in addition to returning the fulfilment documentation unless it had been used to collect the paid indebtedness. |
Procedures required to submit a complaint: |
• The customer has the right to submit a complaint to QNB bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details: |
• First: The client is entitled to submit his complaint in several ways as follows: -Contact Center Hotline No. 16607 -Email: customer.experience@bebasata.qnb.com.eg -Website bebasata.qnb.com.eg -Mobile Banking Services -Internet Banking Services |
• Second: QNB bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint. |
• Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB bebasata reply. |
• Fourth: If the customer objects to QNB bebasata reply, QNB bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection. |
• Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint. |
Personal Loan Purpose Declaration Form: |
It is understood to us that your consent for granting us this credit
facility is on the basis of the afore-mentioned purpose and that it
shall not be utilized in any commercial business. Accordingly,
I herein, declare to use this credit facility within
the scope of the purpose shown above. It is also understood to us that
pursuant to the provisions of Article 104 of Law No 94 of 2020, the bank
has the right, in all aspects it considers,
to ensure that the credit facility is used within
the purpose for which it has been allocated. It is prohibited for us to
use it in a purpose other than the one specified above. • We are committed to disburse the credit facility by means of bank transfers, or direct debit cards |
We also declare that the bank is entitled, at its sole discretion, in
case of our violation of the afore-mentioned declaration, and in
accordance to the bank’s absolute discretion, to demand
our full repayment of the credit facility including
principal, interests, commissions and any other adjuncts. • The undertakings and declarations stated herein constitute an integral part of the credit facility contract stated above, as well as of the implications arising therefrom, including the principal of the loan’s debit balance falling due and payable in the event of violation to any of the undertakings and declarations herein, without prejudice to any other rights of the bank • This is a declaration on my part. |