QNB Bebasata: refers hereinafter to QNB Bank and/or the electronic banking channel provided by the bank including the services provided, as the case may be.
It is understood that the client shall be able, through the system, to review the statement of accounts through the internet at any time. Accordingly, the statement of accounts in paper form shall not be delivered to the specified address by the client except upon request.
The address specified by the client in this application is considered his legal domicile in connection with the contract.
It is agreed to link the debit card that has been issued on the client’s request with the client’s e-savings account to enable the client’s use of the card to perform operations on this account’s balance.
General Terms and Conditions for opening QNB Bebasata accounts
The signature specimen provided by the client to QNB Bebasata shall be the basis for operating the account and shall remain valid unless another specimen is communicated in writing or renewed. QNB Bebasata shall be informed immediately in writing in case of change of those authorized to sign for the account, and the specimen must be renewed every three years at least, otherwise QNB Bebasata shall not be responsible if it relies on a specimen signature not renewed in time.
All accounts opened in the clients’ name at QNB Bebasata are considered an indivisible unit in guarantee for and security against, the settlement of QNB Bebasata claims. Accordingly, QNB Bebasata has the right to perform currency exchange operations from one currency to another to meet any dues in favor of QNB Bebasata
It is agreed that in case the account balance, subject of this application, results in a debit balance for any reason whatsoever, the debit interest rate applicable by QNB Bebasata on the corresponding day shall be applied until full settlement.
QNB Bebasata has the right to debit any charges related to keeping the account, it also has the right without reverting to the client to automatically debit any amounts previously credited to the account by mistake.
The bank has the right to debit the client’s account with postage expenses and fiscal stamp due on the account, or any other expenses related to the keeping of the account or any other services provided by the bank without the need for further approval or notification to the client.
QNB Bebasata reserves the right to close the account at any time without stating a reason. In such case, the client must withdraw the outstanding balance at QNB Bebasata within the period stated in the notice delivered by QNB Bebasata in such respect to the client’s e-mail that is authorized by the client and contained herein. If the client does not withdraw the balance within the given period, QNB Bebasata may deposit the balance of the account with the Court or send the balance to the client via a Banker's check. The client, upon closing his account, must return all means of payment such as ATM cards and credit cards. The bank has the right to break any depository product, of whatever kind, on the date specified in the notice for account closure and add its value to the balance which shall be written in the check’s amount.
QNB Bebasata has the right to request the client to submit any documents seen necessary, at its discretion, for account opening and continuation of the account. It is agreed that failure to provide QNB Bebasata the required document within the deadline specified by QNB Bebasata, shall give the right to QNB Bebasata to close the account without the need for justification, notification or other procedure. It is understood that QNB Bebasata has the right to suspend the account temporarily within this period until the documents requested by QNB Bebasata are submitted.
QNB Bebasata has the right to modify all commissions, charges, interests and other adjuncts related to the client’s account in accordance with the tariff announced by QNB Bebasata
The client declares that his electronic signature – in case of receipt of cards and their PINs – constitutes a decisive proof.
The approval or rejection of the Account Opening Application is at QNB Bebasata sole discretion. QNB Bebasata reserves the right to reject the account opening without assigning reasons. We also lose our right of recourse to claim any demand, concerning the above, based upon the terms of liabilities for whatever reason or nature. Therefore, the client declares henceforth to exempt QNB Bebasata from any contractual responsibility or delinquency that may arise in this regard.
Based upon the above, it is understood by the client that the approval of this account opening application shall remain pending until QNB Bebasata investigates this request and decides whether to approve it or not at its sole discretion.
It is understood that the eligibility to interest payment is subject to the conditions and the type of the requested account from the client’s side.
It is understood that QNB Bebasata decision, whether acceptance or rejection in the afore-mentioned application shall be given within two working days from the date of request.
The client authorizes QNB Bebasata, in case of its acceptance for opening the account, to inform the client of his/her account no. and all information related to this respect. This shall be done through an SMS message delivered to the client’s mobile no. without any responsibility on QNB Bebasata.
The client also declares that the amount deposited by the client for opening his account at QNB Bebasata shall be governed by the terms and conditions stated herein.
It is agreed that the client is prohibited to use this account in any of his commercial transactions or those of his companies. The violation of this clause shall entitle QNB Bebasata the right to close this account without the need for a warning, notification or any judicial process of any kind.

This Agreement will remain in effect until it is terminated by the client or by QNB Bebasata. The client may cancel the service and terminate this Agreement at any time by providing at least a 10-days written notice prior the specified termination date through the client’s e-mail that is registered at QNB Bebasata or by calling QNB Bebasata client service on “16607” within the same deadline. The afore-mentioned termination shall only apply if the notice / call includes the closure of all accounts at QNB Bebasata


Fatca Terms and Conditions
FATCA Definition: US (natural or legal) persons: Refers to any of the following: US government; a citizen or resident of the US; a domestic partnership; a domestic corporation; any estate (with certain exceptions); any trust if (i) a court within the US is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and (ii) one or more US (natural or legal) persons have the authority to control all, US Tax Payer.
FATCA Declaration: The client shall disclose all information to satisfy FATCA requirements. QNB Bebasata reserves the right to request for additional documentary evidence and waivers, signed undertaking, (W-8 BEN or W-9), if required to support the client's US status or FATCA classification.
In case the client satisfies the definition of US (natural or legal) persons as per FATCA regulations, the client authorizes QNB Bebasata to disclose their personal information with respect to all banking accounts (existing or new) maintained with QNB Bebasata to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in the United States of America (or its representatives or agents) and to any other relevant regulatory authority without any responsibility or liability on QNB Bebasata part.
New individual accounts will be reportable to IRS or other relevant regulatory authority if any of the US indicia’s are found, unless QNB Bebasata obtains or currently maintains records supporting the client's non-US status.
In case of change in circumstances by having one or more US indicia and become US Tax Payer (such that the client becomes a US Citizen, obtains a US Passport or US telephone number or US residence address, etc.), the client shall promptly furnish the Bank with the necessary details and documentation in this regard.
The client shall hold QNB Bebasata harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages and losses in the event of non-fulfillment of the above undertaking.
The client hereby understands and acknowledges that the Bank is bound by certain global conditions, restrictions and legal declaration for providing services to the citizens/residents of the United States of America and that the citizenship/residency status can affect the nature and extent of the services that can be derived from the Bank.
Procedures required to submit a complaint:
The client has the right to submit a complaint to QNB Bebasata in the event he objects to any banking operation that has taken place on his account or if he suspects fraudulent actions made to his accounts according to the following details:
First: The client is entitled to submit his complaint in several ways as follows:
Customer Solution Center Hotline No. 16607
Mobile Banking Services
-Internet Banking Services
Second: QNB Bebasata shall respond to the complaint (in writing or by email) within fifteen working days from the date of receipt except for complaints related to transactions with foreign entities where the client shall be notified of the requested time to examine his complaint.
Third: In case of the client’s non-acceptance of QNB Bebasata reply, he shall be entitled to notify the bank with his reasons of objection within fifteen working days from the date of being notified of QNB Bebasata reply; otherwise, it would be considered as an acceptance by him to QNB Bebasata reply.
Fourth: If the client objects to QNB Bebasata reply, QNB Bebasata shall re-examine the complaint and notify the client of the final response within fifteen working days from the date of submitting the objection.
Fifth: The client has the right to escalate his complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case he objects the QNB Bebasata final reply or in case he did not receive any reply to his complaint.
Terms and Conditions of E-Mail Notification
Pursuant to this contract, QNB Bebasata shall provide its clients who have subscribed to “the service” with payment notifications and trade finance services which QNB Bebasata has executed based upon their instructions; as well as those received by QNB Bebasata regarding their QNB Bebasata accounts.
Through this service, QNB Bebasata shall notify clients of a copy of payment notifications and trade finance services that are extracted from the system in relation to the following operations:
Notification of remittances executed by QNB Bebasata, upon the client’s request, to other bank clients; as well as the incoming remittances made by such other bank clients to the client’s account at QNB Bebasata, whether such other banks were internal or external banks.
Notifications issued by QNB Bebasata in relation to the execution of the client’s instructions for issuing or amending counter Letters of Guarantee in favor of foreign banks.
It is agreed that QNB Bebasata responsibility in relation to the service subject of this contract is limited to the delivery of a copy of the payment notifications and trade finance services to the client’s e-mail whether those were incoming or outgoing transactions as determined by the client herein. The responsibility of QNB Bebasata is limited to the delivery of the afore-mentioned notifications to the e-mail defined by the client. QNB Bebasata shall not bear any responsibility in the event of failure of delivery of the notifications to the client’s e-mail due to network failure or a reason out of QNB Bebasata control.
QNB Bebasata undertakes to deliver by e-mail copies of payment notifications that comply with the copies of notifications maintained by QNB Bebasata without prejudice to QNB Bebasata right as to material misstatement contained in those notifications due to omissions or errors.
It is understood that the banking service subject of this contract is available 24/7 except on official vacations. QNB Bebasata shall inform the client once QNB Bebasata issues or receives payment notifications, subject of the service, as the case may be.
Given that the service subject of this contract shall be executed via communication networks and the internet, the client declares to exempt QNB Bebasata from any responsibility, expenses or burden that may occur due to disconnection of the internet or communication networks or due to any malfunctions, breakdowns to the network which may hinder service availability or affect QNB Bebasata obligations set out in this contract or delay their performance.
It is agreed that all clauses and conditions for the service subject of this contract are governed by the related CBE rules and guidelines. Accordingly, CBE is entitled to amend or terminate any of those conditions of the service subject of this contract. CBE is also entitled to amend or cancel the services and operations that are provided through the service.
QNB Bebasata is entitled to assign to any third party, whether in A.R.E or abroad, the performance of all or part of its obligations to the client. In such case, QNB Bebasata shall remain responsible towards the client for the performance of the operations subject of this agreement and according to its conditions.
QNB Bebasata has the right to amend any conditions for using the service subject of this contract, its procedures or notifications provided through the service. QNB Bebasata also has the right to add any new services to the service or cancel any of them, as well as to amend the tariff and expenses of the service whether those due to QNB Bebasata for providing the service or due for providing the operations in relation to the service. All these actions shall be made without the need for the client’s consent. Such amendments shall be affected immediately once the client is informed by a message delivered to his e-mail address that is recorded at QNB Bebasata. Such amendments shall constitute an integral part of the conditions of this contract. The client declares that his use of the service after the occurrence of any amendments to its terms and conditions is deemed a declaration from the client’s part for approving any amendment in its terms and conditions after being notified thereof, and therefore constitutes a legal obligation for the client.
QNB Bebasata has the right to suspend the service for maintenance procedures and for any other necessary technical procedures for service continuation. In such cases, QNB Bebasata shall notify the client of the service cut-off schedule and the expected time for its restoration.
It is agreed that if the client requests to unsubscribe to the service, he shall not be entitled for the refund of any portion of the fees that have been paid in advance.
The client shall take all the necessary precautions to protect the devices used in accessing his e-mail and notifications delivered by QNB Bebasata in accordance with the contract. The client shall install anti-virus software and tools to protect him from malicious threats and hacking attempts. The client shall not use public or shared computers (such as Internet cafés, public libraries … etc.) to access his e-mail. The client shall also take all the necessary precautions and measures and shall exercise utmost care and caution to prevent any other party or person from knowing the client’s password or data that allow access to the client’s e-mail.
The client declares that he has taken all the necessary protection and security measures that prevent manipulation or change of the contents of the client’s e-mail or the automatic notifications delivered to that e-mail. It is understood that QNB Bebasata shall neither be liable for any damages arising from the use of authorized persons by the client nor for hacking the client’s e-mail by any other persons. The client declares to exempt QNB Bebasata from all elements of responsibility arising from any of the afore mentioned.
Upon the client’s subscription to the service, QNB Bebasata is entitled to charge the client’s account held with QNB Bebasata for the fees for using the service as well as the taxes and adjuncts in connection – including all expenses and commissions – without the need for prior notification, warning or alert and without the need for any further procedure. It is agreed that QNB Bebasata shall automatically debit the afore mentioned. In case of insufficient balance on the debit day, the service subject of this contract shall be automatically terminated.
QNB Bebasata has the right to terminate this service or to cancel subscription to the service in case the client breaches any of the service conditions or in cases where QNB Bebasata discerns to take such action, without the need for notification, warning or any further legal action and without prejudice to any other legal rights or rights set forth herein
Terms and Conditions of QNB Bebasata Saving Account
This is a personal account available to individuals only, excluding enterprises, companies or other legal persons.
For its opening and continuation, this account is restricted to a minimum opening balance according to the limits and interests announced by QNB Bebasata – from time to time – across all its channels.
Interest is calculated daily on the available client’s credit balance at the end of the day. If the balance falls below this limit at any time, no interest shall be calculated for the day on which the balance has fallen below the minimum limit according to the bank’s regulations from time to time and without prejudice to the other conditions for the calculation of interest.
Interest is calculated on the balances of the savings accounts according to the value of the credit balance where the calculated interest varies depending on the credit balance according to the tiers announced by QNB Bebasata – from time to time – through its various channels.
Interest value on EGP saving accounts is specified on an annual basis & its calculation is based on 365 days per year. Interest is calculated on the daily closure balance which shall not fall below the minimum opening balance for the account.
For EGP saving accounts, the interest is credited on a monthly basis.
QNB Bebasata has the right to amend credit interest rates, fees and charges at any time, as well as to change the terms and conditions relevant to this account. Every such amendment is announced on QNB Bebasata website and will take effect immediately on the date of amendment specified in the announcement.
No withdrawals are allowed from savings account by checks.
It is totally forbidden to overdraft this account. In case the account was overdrawn for any reason, the client shall cover it or provide instructions to cover his overdrawn account within ……. days from overdraft, otherwise, QNB Bebasata has the right to close the account.
In the case of closing the account, the interest is paid for the total number of days in the month up to the date in which the account was closed. The interest shall be added to the current account.
The client hereby finally and irrevocably authorizes QNB Bebasata to apply set-off between the credit balances of the saving account and any debit balance of any loan or overdraft accounts of the same client without the need for notification or any other action.
The terms of opening an account signed by the client are complementary to the terms and conditions of savings accounts and are not in conflict with the provisions of the mentioned saving accounts.
If QNB Bebasata deems notifying the client of any actions, data or any matters relating to the savings accounts, QNB Bebasata shall then be entitled to notify the client by an e-mail or by sending SMS message to the client’s mobile or through a phone call or by any means QNB Bebasata deems in this regard.
Youth Conditions
Pursuant to this, QNB Bebasata provides a range of distinguished banking services to youth clients – who concluded 15 years old – and up to reaching adulthood (21 years old). These services aim to enable youth to use the funds at their disposal such as alimony, expenses and others.
The afore-mentioned services shall be provided to youth in accordance with the same terms and conditions set forth in this contract. The below shall be excluded:
The following services are NOT provided to youth:
Outgoing remittances in foreign currency.
Current Accounts in foreign currency
Credit cards, whether issued against a guarantee or not, and loans.
E-mail notification for SWIFT Remittances.
The balance of Youth current accounts shall be subject to a maximum limit of EGP 100,000. Moreover, youth transaction using debit cards shall also be subject to the maximum limits set by the bank. It is understood that these limits may be amended by notification delivered from the bank to the client through any means stated in this contract.
QNB Bebasata may provide to its youth clients some special services in light of their interests and activities.
It is agreed that in the case client the client receives an incoming transfer in foreign currency, QNB Bebasata shall exchange the amount to EGP in accordance with the foreign currency exchange rates announced at QNB Bebasata and shall credit the value to the client’s account provided that the balance of the account shall not exceed the stipulated maximum limit for the youth account.
Once any youth client has reached adulthood, the maximum balance limit and youth requirements shall be waived. The youth limitations that were governing the services provided shall be cancelled once the client informs QNB Bebasata that he has reached adulthood.
It is agreed that this account shall be subject to a maximum limit set out in this contract.
The used funds in any minor’s account during a month shall not exceed the maximum limit stipulated by QNB Bebasata at any point in time throughout the duration of this account.
If the balance exceeds the indicated maximum limit, QNB Bebasata has the right to decline to enable the client to use it until QNB Bebasata receives the documents that clarify the reason and purpose of deposit. Moreover, QNB Bebasata reserves the right to request completion of any acknowledgements seen necessary, as well as to request any supporting documents to prove such acknowledgements. For example, if university fees or expenses in connection to or arising from studying at a university is credited to the account, the guardian (the guardian by nature or the legal guardian) or custodian - as the case may be - shall provide QNB Bebasata with the reason and purpose of such credit, whereas the decision of acceptance or rejection of such shall be made by QNB Bebasata at its sole discretion.
It is agreed that the client shall not receive any credit payments into the account subject of this package from individuals or entities other than the guardian (the guardian by nature or the legal guardian) or custodian - as the case may be – since any of them is responsible for the maintenance of the client, subject of this account and whereby, the amounts transferred or credited shall not exceed the established maximum limit for the account.
It is understood that the client is not permitted to authorize others to act on this account or to request issuance of cheque books against this account.
General Terms and Conditions for Facilities and Credit Cards
Through the Online Banking Services, the client has the right to request QNB Bebasata to issue credit cards or request credit facilities. Such cards and/or facilities may be either secured by pledge of depository products (Certificate of Deposits, Time Deposits and Investment Certificates) held with QNB Bebasata or secured by other guarantees, or may be unsecured according to the bank’s discretion in this respect.
QNB Bebasata has the right to study the client’s request and examine its acceptance or rejection without the need for providing justification.
It is also the right of QNB Bebasata to request the client to provide certain documents or additional guarantees.
Facilities and credit cards are governed by the below General Provisions, in addition to the detailed conditions that will be displayed through the service upon request. The detailed conditions form an integral part and are complementary to the conditions herein. The client’s signature herein is deemed a signature on the detailed conditions which the client will approve electronically upon requesting the facilities and/or credit cards.
Interests, commissions and other charges in the detailed conditions that are displayed through the Online Banking Service shall apply to the facilities and/or cards. Amounts stated must be settled in addition to interests, commissions and charges on the specified dates in the detailed conditions..
The balance of the facility and/or card – at all times - must be less than the pledged depository product by a percentage defined in the detailed conditions.
The full balance of the facility and/or card shall become immediately due and payable and will be subject to the agreed interests, commissions and charges without the need for any notification, warning or otherwise in cases where the debt becomes legally due or in case of the client’s death, disability or the client’s breach of any of the terms and conditions of the facility and/or card.
It is agreed that QNB Bebasata has the right – without an obligation for doing so – to issue an insurance policy in its favor to cover the risks of the client’s death, disability or otherwise. It is understood that the client’s disclosure of any false data to the insurance company shall result in the company’s rejection of any of the client’s insurance coverage claims.
It is understood that the client will be listed in CBE Blacklist in case of default in payment of the bank’s dues.
The client acknowledges that if upon the requirement of QNB Bebasata to pledge a depository product – as a guarantee for the balance of facilities and/or cards – the client acknowledges to pledge it commercially and possessory in favor of the Bank through the Online Banking Service where such pledge includes the interests earned on the depository product.
QNB Bebasata has the right, at any time even prior the maturity date of the depository product held in-guarantee, to redeem its full value for the settlement of the facility and/or card’s balance or any part thereof without the need for warning or notifying the client in advance or taking any legal procedure. The client acknowledges to exempt QNB Bebasata from all types of liabilities and claims that may arise from the early redemption of the depository products and the settlement of the debit accounts.
The client declares to authorize QNB Bebasata to renew the pledged depository products subject to the applicable conditions at the time of renewal and to renew their pledge durations so that the pledge remains valid and effective until full repayment.
Investigation Permit
The client hereby authorizes QNB Bebasata to investigate and acquire all needed information about the client at:
A. All Banks operating in Egypt including the Central Bank of Egypt (according to the banking law no.194 for the year 2020).
B. All Governmental entities, Ministries, Public and Private Corporations, etc.
This permit includes an authorization for internal investigation (from QNB Bebasata) as well as an external investigation (from third parties).
This authorization shall apply and is valid against the client’s general and particular successors in title and applies in accordance with the rules regulating the confidentiality of the bank accounts' regulations under any law, at the present time or in the future and even amended.
QNB Bebasata shall have the right to present our data or documents - in case any legal action, whether civil or criminal, is taken for the preservation of QNB Bebasata rights - to governmental entities or private sector or jurisdiction authority or our work entity.


Approval of Form

Pursuant to the client’s signature on this Application, the client hereby declares that s/he has been duly informed of all the terms and conditions of this Application. The client also declares to have received an Annex which constitutes an integral part of this Application. The Annex booklet contains a complete description of all the electronic banking services provided by the bank including but not limited to direct debit cards, e-payment service and internet banking services.
The client’s use of each and all electronic services available through the internet is deemed a declaration of the client’s acknowledgment of and consent to the terms and conditions of those services as outlined in the Annex.